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David and I made our way out of the bus and we looked around to see that his band mates had left.
"How long were we in there?!" David laughed.
"I don't know to be honest. I guess we'll just have to go on without them." I giggled.
"Alright, my love." He said joining my hand with his. "Let's head out."
We walked around and eventually found the record store. There were giant crowds of paparazzi and fans screaming as we walked down the street. David just ignored it like it didn't exist, but I saw the evil looks from those women that envied my position. It made me uncomfortable.
We finally made it into the store and the employees successfully blocked the door off so we could shop in peace. David looked around and found a couple records he liked and my eyes were automatically drawn to his new vinyl I hadn't gotten the chance to get yet. Let's Dance. I'd been to Stacy's and heard it play a couple of times and I really liked the album. I picked it up. David walked over to me and saw his record wrapped in my arms.
"You don't have it yet?" He asked surprised. I couldn't blame him for being surprised, I had every one but that album.
"No I don't yet actually."
"Let me buy it for you, love-" He automatically offered.
"No David, you spoil me way too much." I insisted. "Let me buy it, please."
"No, I insist! It's my album and it's not like I don't have the money for it!" He replied as he took it out of my arm.
"Alright then." I sighed and smiled. "It's so hard to say no to you David."
He was clearly done with shopping and I was just looking around at the 45 records as he followed me down the aisle. I hadn't gotten any 45's yet. One particular record caught my eye.
It was Heroes on the A side and on the B side was Sons of the Silent Age. This took me back to the first night I kissed David.
The first night that I got to feel his strong, soft lips on mine. The night that he held me close to him and sang this very song to me. I needed it. It reminded me so much of the first moment I'd ever shared with him. He'd probably never know about that unless he asks again and I felt like telling him.
I picked up the record and David looked over my shoulder to see what had caught my attention so much. Sons of the Silent Age is one of my favorite songs of his because of that night and I decided I needed to have it.
"You want it?" David grinned.
"I really do, David." I smiled back.
"Why do you like that particular song so much? It's quite obscure." David asked. "I've just never met someone that was into anything that wasn't the big hits!"
"Well you've never met someone like me." I replied with I smile.
David smiled back and blushed at me as we went up to the counter and payed for everything. We left the store and I was surprised there were no more crazed fans lining up for autographs. They had disappeared. David didn't care anyway, he just acted like they didn't exist.
We arrived back at the bus to find Carlos and the rest of the band inside. Their eyes went straight up on us when we walked in.
"Man what took you guys so long? You took 15 minutes in here doing God knows what! We decided to leave because we honestly didn't know when you were coming out of the bus!" Carlos exclaimed.
"Sorry guys for making you wait!" David laughed and blushed as he scratched the back of his head in embarrassment.
"It's alright Dave, don't get too upset about it. It's not that big of a deal, man." He assured him.
David and I walked up the stairs and into his bedroom. It had been a long day.
David sat on the bed while I went behind the curtain as usual to change into something more comfortable. I came out from behind the curtain and David instantly looked up at me. He walked over to me and cupped my face in his hand.
He just stared into my eyes and I was forced to stare back. His gaze gave me butterflies in my stomach and made my heart soar. His very touch made my heart long for him more and more. He could do the smallest things and it make my knees weak. He was perfect.
After looking at me for a few seconds he hungrily pushed his lips onto mine. His lips tasted so good. I sucked his bottom lip as he rubbed his palms up and down my waist. It made my heart skip a beat. I lifted his shirt off of him and put my hands on his bare chest. The feeling of his soft, warm skin made my fingers tingle.
David picked me up and placed me on the bed, breaking the kiss so we could breathe. He put his one hand on the bed for support and one was on my arm, pinning me to the mattress. I ran my fingers through his curled, blonde hair as he pushed his tongue into my mouth, deepening the kiss. I let out a slight groan of pleasure as he explored my mouth with his tongue. He let out a grunt as I curled my tongue around his and sucked on it. My heart was beating faster than ever before as he moved his fingers up my shirt and rubbed my bare waist down to my hip. I dug my fingers into his back as he sucked on my tongue. I pulled away for air and David crawled in the opposite side of the bed. A few seconds later he pulled me into a tight embrace which surprised me.
"Goodnight, my love." David whispered into my ear which made my chest tingle.
"Night David." I replied, kissing his hand.
I nuzzled my face into the crook of his neck. His grip on me tightened as I drifted to sleep.

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