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David and I sat on the couch for a few minutes. I was starting to get tired and I wasn't about to move from this spot. Being in David's embrace was one of the most enjoyable things on this planet.
"Love, we're going out." He insisted. I was so surprised. We had literally just gotten home 30 minutes ago and he wanted to take me out again?
"We just got home!" I whined. I really didn't want to move.
"Trust me, you won't regret it once we're there."
"Ok fine, I'll go." I finally agreed. "Only because I love you David." He smiled at me widely.
"Oh, and Melanie, wear that blue dress I bought for you a while ago." He smirked. "You look awful sexy in it."
My heart flipped and I blushed a deep red. He's never said anything like that before about me.
"Go on, go get dressed." He whispered in my ear.
I obeyed and went into the bathroom to change into my blue dress. I grabbed the same pair of navy blue stilettos that I wore to dance on stage with him at that first concert.
A few moments later, I came out of the bathroom and walked down the hall. I turned the corner to see David in a navy blue suit and tie that matched my shoes. He was holding a bouquet of roses. He walked a couple steps closer to me and held out the flowers.
"These are for you." He smiled at me.
I took the roses out of his hand. "David, you didn't have to-"
"Oh, I did have to. Only the best for my love."
I blushed at his words and smiled. The roses smelled so nice.
"Let's head out." David murmured, holding out his hand for me to take.
I took his hand and we went out the door and he walked me to his car. He opened the car door for me and I sat down in the seat. He shut the door and walked around to the other side and got in the car.
He switched on the radio. Blackout from his album Heroes came on. This was one of my other favorite songs of his.
"Where are we off to David?" I asked excitedly.
"That's something that you will not know until we get there." He smiled, still watching the road.
"Alright then." I replied.
We were driving for a while until the car stopped. I looked out the window of the car and I couldn't see anything.
"Alright my love, we're here." David said softly.
David got out and came to the passenger's side of the car. He opened the door and held his hand out for me to take. I took his hand and stepped out of the car as he shut the door.
He linked his hand with mine as we walked around for a bit. He eventually led me to a really beautiful, lit up Ferris Wheel.
"Oh wow David it's wonderful!" I exclaimed. He kissed my cheek.
We walked up to the Ferris Wheel and David payed the employee for one round. We walked up to the cart.
"After you." David smiled at me. I got in the seat and David sat beside me, putting his arm around my shoulder.
We sat there for a minute and then the Ferris Wheel started to move up. I was a bit scared of heights but I quickly let it go when David pulled me in a bit closer to him.
We were heading to the top and when I looked around my surroundings, I could see the whole city of London lit up. All the buildings and everything were shining through the night. It was so beautiful.
"Oh my goodness, David! It's beautiful!" I cheered. I was so surprised he took me here.
"I'm glad you're enjoying it, love." David grinned.
Once we had gotten to the top, the wheel stopped the lights glimmering on the water was one of the most beautiful things I had ever seen.
"Hey Melanie.." David took his arm off from around me and turned towards me so he was facing me.
"Yes David? Is there something wrong?"
"Well.." He nervously laughed, grabbing my hands.
"What is it?" I chuckled.
"I was wondering... W-will you be my girlfriend?" He stuttered, looking down and blushing.
My stomach was filled with butterflies. I was completely speechless. David actually asked me to be his girlfriend? I was overwhelmed with emotion and I had no words.
I grabbed his face with both of my hands and kissed him. When my lips met with his, it was a whole new experience. I was David's girlfriend and it felt so amazing in so many ways.
I pulled away from our kiss and smiled at him. He blushed and smiled back at me.
"Does that give you an answer?" I smirked.
"Is that a no?" He laughed.
"Oh shut up!" I laughed back at him.
I pulled his tie and pressed my lips onto his. I loved him so much. He was everything to me and I couldn't believe I was finally in a relationship with him. He's everything to me.
After the ride on the Ferris Wheel, we went back home. Right when we walked into the door, David grabbed my arm and took me into the bedroom. I already knew his intentions and I wasn't going to say no.
David closed the door to the bedroom and immediately crashed his lips onto mine. I slipped my tongue into his mouth and he grabbed my waist with his strong hands. I took his suit jacket and threw it across the room. He unbuttoned his shirt. All that was left was his tie.
I rubbed my hands up his chest and felt his soft skin on my fingers and it made my heart soar. David took one hand and unzipped my dress. I'd never gone this far with him before but I wasn't uncomfortable with the idea. I let him remove the dress off of me.
Our lips parted for a few seconds. David looked down at my bare body.
"Oh m-my.." He stuttered. "Wow."
My face turned red and David pulled me in. He placed his soft lips onto mine and my heart fluttered. He rubbed his hands up my hips and my knees were weak. I combed my hands through David's blonde locks as he pushed his tongue into my mouth. I let out a groan as our kiss deepened.
David lifted me up and laid me down on the bed. I put my hands around his neck and he placed his hands on either side of me for support. I pulled away and laid down in the bed.
"I'm tired, David." I whined.
"Alright we can go to bed then, love." He smiled at how dramatic I was being.
David hugged me from behind and pulled me into a hug. His warmth made me feel secure. I loved when he hugged me.
"Goodnight, Mel." David whispered in my ear.
"Night, love you David." I whispered back.
"Love you too."

Loving The Alien- A David Bowie FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now