Seven : Exes

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More than a year later....

A year and a half had passed yet, Joohyun and Lisa's relationship was great. Having fights but solving it right away.

The longest fight they had is ten days. Because of some misunderstanding and Joohyun is hard to please sometimes making it a week.


Now they need to be away from each other because Joohyun has a photoshoot at the other side of the globe(exaggerated I know) for a month. Even though Lisa wanted to come with her lover she can't because she has a shoot here but promises each other that they would FaceTime each other if they have time.

"My Joohyun I will miss you baby." Lisa said hugging her lover tighter.

"Lisa stop it." Joohyun said getting out of her lovers grasp.

"Yah! Maybe you wanted to leave---" she was cut off by a kiss, a torrid one. They stop the intense kiss when Joohyun's flight was called.

"I will miss you My Joohyun." Lisa said acting dramatic that her lover just shook her head while smiling because of her lovers silliness.

"I love you and I will miss you too." Joohyun said as she walked away.

Lisa suddenly run to her hugging and kissing her for the last time before her Joohyun go.


"Promise no girls just you. Saranghae My Joohyun." Lisa said and Joohyun smiled at her and walked away.

"My Joohyun" Lisa fakely cried and walk away.


Third Person's Pov

"Hey" a girl said as she called someone

"Hey" a guy answered

"You ready for the plan?" she ask

"Of course, be ready for our incoming success." he said and laugh evilly.

"They are better off." the girl said and smirk on the other line.

"Of course because I deserve her more." he told, forgetting what he did in the past.

"You cheated" the girl said

"Look who's talking." the guy said and ended the call

Lisa's Pov

"Hey My Lisa." someone said making smile at the thought of Joohyun.

"I know you won't leave me." I said happily and turn my heels.

"Of course My---"

"Don't call me that we ain't lovers anymore. We are already exes,you better stay away from me." I said and back away.

"Why would I? Now that your bitch girlfriend isn't here? No way." she said walking towards me.

"No! Stop right there!" I exclaim

"Hey Lisa" Jennie entered my office.

"Hey Jen" I said and she walk towards me.

"There will be other time, Lisa. You will be mine again soon." she whispered and left.

"Yah! Since when did you became closed with that model?" Jennie question and sat in one of the chairs in front of my table.

"W-Were just a-acquaintances." I stutter making her eye me questioningly.

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