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New years was interesting, I saw someone I didn't think I would see for a long time. I'm not complaining though, it's just different.

When we dated and right before we officially broke up I said if we met again we will pick things up where we left off of.

Things change though. Things are different. I'm not saying that we changed because from what happened yesterday, he seemed the exact same. The Daniel I know and love.

What did change is our growth. Daniel has been very successful with his band and I don't want us to balance whatever is going on between us. I am doing a lot with my clothing line, especially right now with holiday specials.

We haven't talked in a year. We're not just going to go straight back to dating. All I'm saying is I don't see us dating as of right now and maybe at all. For now we're friends.

People, the supporters are now assuming we have talked because people are putting stuff together that we went to the same party from videos and pictures. Which is true, and I won't deny it. I shouldn't have to, it hasn't gotten out of hand. Yet.

Daniel wanted to hangout tomorrow on the 3rd to catch up even more. Today I'm just recollecting myself and trying to figure out what's going on.

I reunited with my ex. Of a year. From we'll pick things up to we're friends. I still have feelings. No shit I still have feelings, it wouldn't be this complicated and stuck in my head if I didn't.

What am I going to do? What am I going to do? What am I going to do!

Look how successful we are. Look how successful he is. I can't ruin that in anyway.

But I also can't deny my feelings for him. I wouldn't need to though, right? He wouldn't ask, right?

Whatever, this is a pointless conversation with myself. I already made up my mind and for the most part he seemed okay with it.

Yesterday I hung out with my family. Both Kiara and Dylan made it to my place safely and back home.

Last minute I decided to go visit Aubrey and her daughter while Bradly was out, working.

After a long drive and of course la traffic. I made it in 3 hours and each time I forget how bad of a drive it is. You're just sitting in a car and traffic makes it worse. Lucky for me, I don't have a newborn.

I let out a sigh and get out of my car stretching before walking up to the house and knocking on the front door.

"Y/n! How was the drive?" Aubrey asks and greets me with a hug.

"My ass hurts" I laugh "but it wasn't horrible" I shrug

"That's good, Zoey is in her crib just around the corner" Aubrey said letting me inside "she should be awake"

I walk over around the corner and immediately coo at the adorable 4 month old baby. "I swear I can never get over how cute she is" I awe

"I know, you'll be a great godmother" she says

"and you're a wonderful mother already" I compliment "when is the baptism?" I ask, straightening my back which was bent over to get a better look at my favorite and only niece.

"Well my brother should get here in two weeks? So maybe about a month, I still need to figure out who the god father should be" Aubrey sighs "but I just have a feeling that we'll know" she says

"Right, that's good I guess" I comfort "um actually there's something that has been on my mind" I admit "or someone"

"Your ex?" Aubrey says confidently

"W-What? How'd you know?" I question

"Bradly said you were off yesterday, especially when you were asked how new years went and relationships" she explains

"Right, it's kind of weird that they're talking about that" I admit "I mean we just never talk about it as a family" I shrug

"Okay, now why is your ex on your mind?" She returns to the previous subject

"Ex? Let's call him my friend or Daniel, it feels weird saying ex" I explain and she nods "okay so basically my friends have been hyping this guy up, kinda like a blind date but a blind meeting" I start "later when he was right in front of me, I realized he was the guy they're talking about. I mean obviously he was right in front of me" I laugh

"I was shocked I guess, I don't know, I didn't expect him to be there or for him to be the guy my friends wanted to introduce me to so badly" I explain "basically I went into the back and he followed me, we talked caught up a bit then did the countdown then back outside to catch up even more"

"So he's on your mind because you have feelings?" Aubrey says "still have feelings" she adds

"I don't know, but I may or may not of made a mistake of saying to stay friends" I admit "at the time it was a good idea and I sort of thing that still now" I convince myself "I just think it's annoying that he's still on my mind" I groan

"You're still in love" she mumbles "I wouldn't expect any less though, you lost connection so the love never technically faded" she explains "but I definitely know there is something else, that's stopping you" she says "that's stopping you from dating" she nods "or being with him" she adds

"I don't know" Is all I could think and mumbled

"You may not, or it's something you don't want to admit" she says and I look up at her concerned "or you don't know yet" she repeats the first answer.

I let out a sigh "why does dating have to be so I don't know difficult?" I asked

"I believe when the right one comes along, it won't be difficult and everything will fall into place" she says "I also think that not everything will be handed straight to you without a challenge" she adds

I let out a laugh before speaking "gee, thanks that helps so much" I sarcastically speak "but that explains why I think the way I do" I laugh "I think if I'm doing something for the right reasons and if I'm on the right path, it will fall into place, eventually" I say taking that into my current situation "I'm hanging out with him tomorrow" I blurt

"Really?" She asks concerned "just you two?"

"Yeah just us, we got a year to catch up on" I laugh, and look at Aubrey who has a small smirk on her face "what?"

"Nothing" she said shaking her head

"Right, okay" I say completely unconvinced that it was nothing.

- A/N -

so is it just me or are you constantly stuck between. if you want it, work for it and if it's meant to be it'll be.
or like which one do you lean towards?

I mean if I think about it enough. I say work for it, but if that's all you've done and you can't do it anymore. Then if it's meant to be it'll be. So it's kinda half and half for me.

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