Chapter 6

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Sophia and Levi walk to the classroom where the cadets are, well Sophia is skipping while Levi is angry speedwalking. Sophia is seen first. Armin, Eren, Jean, and Mikasa are shocked that she was out of the cell; they then see Levi behind her.

Sophia spins to face Levi and says something to him that he can't hear but to their surprise Levi bolts at her. Sophia flips over Levi landing behind him to then flip her hands only touching the ground for mere seconds before she lands on her feet to then dodge Levi just to kick him in the back and make him fall forward; Levi barely managing to save himself from an embarrassing fall.

While she laughed at him Levi swept her feet out from under her. Sophia flipped up to barely dodge Levi's ax kick.

"Hang on Midget. The trainees."

"Shut. It. Hag" he growled

"Hey now~ you're not much younger than me~." Sophia said giggling "Now let's teach some 


"Everyone, this is Sophia Hartmann. She will be working with us from now on. Those of you that have seen how she moves and or how she fights will understand. Eren, Jean, Armin, and Mikasa, , what did you gather from her fighting style from what you've seen?" Asked Levi

"Well her fighting style is more mixed. You can't tell what she is about to do. It's random and you can't make a plan against it unless you fight like it. She has the strength from which I have never seen and the speed.

Eren, Jean and Sophia did some hand to hand combat with Commander Erwin, so she must have experience. So in short she could kill us all and we couldn't do a damn thing about it". Armin finished

The other trainees looked on with shock after hearing that. They all look over at her, kinda worried.

"Now everyone lets get learning" Sophia giggled

As they went over the Commander's plans taking notes and asking questions the cadets noticed that Sophia was asleep curled up on the window seal with the most peaceful look on her face.

Levi noticed that his students were distracted and looked over. He saw her snoozing with a small pout on her lips which turned into a smile, her bronze skin glowing in the sun, her snow white hair looking like freshly fallen snow which fell across her face and shoulders.

Levi walked over to her the cadets thinking he was going to wake her up but instead he brushed her hair out of her face, sighed left then returned with a blanket and pillow he lifted her head up and placed the pillow and covered her up.

"Now where were we" Levi said

Class then went off without a hitch after the students left Erwin and the group walked into the classroom. The first thing they saw was Sophia asleep and Levi sitting in the chair looking out of the window.

"Is that your blanket?" Hanji asked

"God why do you have to sneak up on me huh?" Levi grumbled "And yes is it a problem?"

"Why does Sophia have it?" Hanji asks

"She fell asleep and i couldn't let her freeze now could i?" Levi replied

"Lets get her to her room, okay?" Erwin walks over to Sophia and picks her up bridal style.

"Sir i wouldn't do that." Miche says.

"And why is that?" Erwin askes but he gets his answer by Sophia wrapping her arms around his neck cuddling into his chest.

"She won't let you go now you're gonna have to sleep next to her."

"Damn" Erwin says sarcastically "That would be the worst."

Walking into her room and laying Sophia on her bed expecting her to let go but to his joy she only held on tighter, much to the other mens dismay. Erwin lays down beside her with a soft smile.

"I guess this is a good night." he says with a snicker, waving goodbye to them as he wraps his arms around Sophia and pulls her closer to him in the spooning position.

"Sweet dreams Sophia." Erwin said as he fell asleep.

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