Chapter 9

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As they made it past Calineth district, Erwin was met with some important looking people. Sophia didn’t care right then; she stayed next to Mikasa, keeping a watch on Eren as they headed inside of a building.

Sophia grew curious and asked Mikasa why she always wore the red scarf she had on.

"Oh this?" Mikasa said, touching the scarf. "Eren gave it to me when he saved me."

Sophia raised her eyebrow as Mikasa continued.

"What about your hardening skin? That's pretty cool" 

“Oh. Well it’s an ability I was born with it changes my skin and hardens it. It just hardens the blood in my limbs. If I use it too much I throw up blood, cry it, and get hella sick. It's a nice thing to have though.”

“What's it look like? I never got a good look.”

Sophia hardened a finger; shiny black material with undertones of deep red coursed over her finger. It slowly creeped up her hand to where it covered her whole fist. She moved her fist over to Mikasa. 

"Touch it." Sophia said, holding her fist out towards Mikasa, who tentatively touched it.

“It doesn’t feel like skin. Almost like metal.”

“Indeed." Sophia chuckled at the look of fascination on Mikasa's face.

“Wait, didn't your blade turn this color when you held it?”

“Yeah but it takes a lot of focus and even more blood." 

“Could you make weapons out of it?”

“Yeah but I can never use them for long, like 10 minutes. So not that long and that's when I'm forcing it. 3 minutes if I'm not." Sophia rubbed the back of her neck in embarrassment.

Mikasa looked at Sophia with respect. "That's pretty cool."

“Thanks kid.” Sophia gave Mikasa a smile. "Think you can watch Eren by yourself?"

“Of course I can.” Mikasa's face hardened with determination. 

“Boping.” Sophia did some finger guns at Mikasa as she walked backwards out of the door, turning to jog over to Levi.

“Midget~Chan!” Sophia yelled out giggling at the look of utter  annoyance Levi gave her. “Spill. What's happening?” 

"Well the brass want Eren.”




“Explain?” Levi asked, confused.

“I can and will destroy the government.” Sophia said with a straight face and even tone.

"Sorry but it doesn't work like that. What the brass says goes." Levi grumbled.

“That’s dumb...” Sophia grumbled unhappily with a pout.

“You are a literal child Hag.” Levi sighed.

“Shut it brat.” he looked toward Erwin as he signaled for them to head over there.

“How long?” Sophia asked.

“Until he realized we are staring at him?”


“30 more seconds.”

“I say 10.”

"Let's just head over there." Levi said, rolling his eyes as Sophia followed him.

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