7. Birthday

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A/n another one done using a template with a little ground zero touch

Ochako waits in front of Aki's building. The little girl comes skipping down excitedly, shes wearing a dress today and she had a pretty braid in her hair.
Aki blushes and holds Ochakos hand. "Really??? I wanted to look pretty to see Mama."
"Your hair is pretty especially the clip. Did Mrs Yao do your hair?"
"No my Papa woke up early to do it. The clip are his colours." Aki says proudly. As hard as Ochako tried she couldn't imagine the great Katsuki Bakugo doing a delicate braid in his daughters hair.

As they walk to the cemetery Ochako stops at a florist to buy a bouquet of flowers Aki thought were pretty. Ochako follows Aki up to a large grave stone which had statue of an angel with outstretched wings on it.  Aki puts the flowers near the statue.
"Happy birthday Mama." She says to the statue, she turns to Ochako. "Papa says I looks just like her."
"She was very pretty. You look like her Aki."
Aki smiles happily sitting near the statue and talks to the grave "Papa had work today... he still gets upset that you're gone...I miss you to but its different... I can't remember you."
Ochako reads the inscription on the gravestone. "She died saving people, you should be very proud Aki."
Aki hums in approval. Ochako takes out a some food and drinks. "Should we have a picnic here with your mum?"
Aki nods cheers agreeing. While they were eating their sandwiches, Aki was staring intently at Ochako. She had crimson eyes like father with a hint of orange, they were big and round like her mothers. 
"Koko what happened?" She points at the scratch on Ochako's face. Ochako touches her scratch forgetting she took off her mask.
"Just clumsy." Ochako took out her phone and searched for a video of Akis mum before handing the phone to Aki. "Your mum was one of those weird candid camera off duty hero series... the series might be a bit boring for you but... you can tell she was a really kind and caring person here."

Aki watched with her eyes bright and shiny with glee.

"Welcome to off duty heroes! Today we might get a two for one deal as we will set up a scene for the unsuspecting winged hero Firebird" Host one turns to host turn. "As everyone know she is married to hot head hero Ground zero."
"Oh yes yes very aggressive but effective hero I believe is number 4 now. Anyway today we will have our actor play a disorientated person with memory loss. Lets see how she fares. Hopefully better then last weeks Grape hero."
They turn to a screen which begins to play.

Ground zero and Fire bird walk down the sidewalk in their casual clothes. It seems like they just did some grocery shopping. The elderly actor walks in their general direction holding a paper bag filled with lemons. As he gets closer he loses his balance and falls in front of the couple. Fire bird quickly hurries over and crouches down to the old man.
"Are you ok? did you get hurt?" The man responds by groaning and pointing at his lemons slightly distressed. Fire bird turns to Ground Zero. "Babe collect his stuff for him I have a spare bag to put it in."
You can hear Ground zero swear and grumble as he listens to his wife.
"Its ok we will get your things" She notices the old man is clutching his ankle in pain. "Should we call you an ambulance?"
"No I want to go home."
"Ok we can call you a taxi. Just give me directions." She smiles kindly.
"I-i can't remember....  its that way." The man points behind their general direction.
"Oh you seem a bit confused are you sure you don't need an ambulance?"
"I-its the yellow building with the tree outside."
"Err I don't this area very well. Why don't I do a quick fly over and if its close we can carry you otherwise we can call an uber ok?" Fire bird suggest. She stretches her wings out which are pale blonde up top but blend into an fiery red orange down below. Before she can take off Ground zero begins yelling.
"What the fuck! ... You're leaving me here to babysit. Fucking N to the O. You're not meant to be flying on your days off anyway!"
Fire bird flaps her wings to gain some height over Ground Zero. The fiery coloured features ignite.
"You are not the boss of me Mr number 4 hero... don't you dare tell me what to do you stupid Pomeranian!" She snaps at him before she ascends and flies around the general vicinity. Bakugo stands there trying to look he didn't get scolded by his wife. "Tsk... Just fucking stay there old man don't fall again."
Fire bird lands and retracts her wings.
"I found your building Gramps its just like 100 m down that street. My husband can carry you if you can't walk?"
"N-no I don't think he likes me... can you?"
"Errr Umm actually I can't I'm....I'm... injured so can't lift anything heavy right now. You can use me like a cane?"
The grandpa nods and together the three of them hobble away.
"Ok Gramps we are here. Do you need help up to your apartment ?"
Before he can reply the host pop out and yell.
"WELL DONE FIREBIRD ! YOU HAVE BEEN APART OF UNDER...." the host is cut off by an explosion near his feet. The camera pans to a very angry Bakugo. His eyes hold so much rage.
"DIE! you shitty bastard." He stalks over to the host and grabs him by the collar and begins shaking him. "You piece of shit bastard. It's hard enough to get her to fucking take it easy without your piece of shit show. How the fuck is she meant to relax and enjoy pregnancy with this added bullshit."
Ground zero looks at his wife realizing what he said, she just smiles and turns to the side pushing her flowy top against her stomach revealing a small baby bump.
"Its a bit early but yeah I guess by the time this airs it will be fine. I'm calling it rice cake until we have a name chosen." 
Bakugo continues shaking the host. "If anything happens to my wife or baby because of this I will hunt you down and roast your alive!"
Fire bird pulls her husband off the host.
"Don't listen to him. I love the show."  She walks off with the host toward the camera crew set up to shoot some promo videos.

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