10. A crew?

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The burly mean looking guy from last week is laughing his ass off as he enters the vigilante bar. He is carrying Ochako who is sitting on his shoulder like royality. His name is Sora and is actually a big softy he puts Ochako down on the bar stool. 

"Maisie I'll pay for Pink's fist drink she did a good job today." He says after passing over his phone to get scanned and paid. 
"Got it boss." Maisie says as she starts making Ochakos drink. "So Pinky was a good addition to your team?"
"Great she did such a great job distracting those fuckers... she made them think it was fucking hailing... we got a like 10 bags of ice and she made them float before hailing it down onto them at the right moment. They looked so confused it was hilarious." He turned to Ochako. "Pinky if we ever need your help you willing to help? An honorary crew member?"
"I think your asking me because you have a sweet tooth." Ochako teases "but yea sure!"

In a meeting room across town
Bakugo slumps in his seat at the back of the room as they discuss any pressing matters they are currently facing. A police officer stands at the front of the meeting room pointing at a map.
"So I have been investigating this construction site which is being used by local yakuza as a place to sell drugs and other illegal items. They have been able to avoid paroling heroes. Its also a known spot for vigilantes. We have been working with Shoto but wish to expand the level of surveillance on the building." 
Bakugo raises his hand to volunteer his help. He turns to Shoto and blurts out.
"ICY HOT I'll take Friday to Sunday, you take Monday to Wednesday and we will split up Thursday." 
"That's fine by me."

The following Thursday rolled around and Ochako was doing her patrolling in her assigned neighborhood. She wandered around on the roof top watching, it was honestly pretty quiet. She knows she wasn't meant to interfere with the construction site but no one said she couldn't do any recon on it. She is on a rooftop next to the construction site watching these low rank Yakuza members selling small amounts of drugs. She was wearing all black so she blended into the shadows well. She balled her hands into fists and squeezed then tightly irritated she wasn't allowed to stop them. She moved to another spot on the roof to get a better vantage point. Its only then she saw Sora sneaking in.
"Psst Sora" She hissed quietly, Idiot we're not meant to go in there.  She sighed before she floated down behind him and tapped him on the shoulder. 
"GYAHh!" Sora looked shocked. "Oh Pinky its just you."
"What are you doing Sora? This area is off limits..."
"Its ok Pinky they're scum... I wont hurt anyone I'm just going to make construction annoying for them."
"You promise?"
"Yea I'm just going to fuck up some walls and maybe break some equipment. I wont interfere with 'business'." He said jerking his head towards the direction of the low level thugs.  "Just a bit of fun Pinky." 
"Ok Sora lets just do this quickly."
Ochako giggles as she watches Sora turn on all the taps. She feels like she's in high school again. "Sora you could be my uncle but act like a teenager."
"What can I say boys age slowly... I must age in slow motion." He laughs as he pats Ochakos head. "You remind me of my daughter."
"You have kids?"
"... had she got hit by drunk driver when she was 12..." He feels Ochako give him a tight hug. "Its ok Pinky it was a long time ago... you are mischievous just like her that's all. Come on lets get out of here kid."
As they head out they hear a scuffle from the other side of the building where the gang members were set up. Sora heads in their general direction without thinking Ochako follows behind. Her eyes widen as she see's Bakugo on the floor being held down by one of the thugs. The other one menacingly holding up a purple looking flame to his face threateningly. 
"What's wrong hero? Afraid of some poisonous flames?"
Sora pulls at Ochakos sleeve to indicate they should leave. 
"No we can't leave him."
"Its fine he will have back up coming."
Ochako shakes her head. "No."
"Gah Pinky I'm going, don't expect me to help them... He will turn on you as soon as the rats scatter." Sora says as he stalks off. Ochako took out her retractable baton and swung it to extend and lock it into place. She floats along the ceiling until she's over purple flame and drops herself while swinging. She strikes him in the back and he turns away from Bakugo swinging for her. With the threats of poisonous flame no longer an issue, Bakugo begins to beat down the other thug. Flame charges for Ochako and manages to throw her onto the floor, her baton out of her reach. Feeling the punches coming hard she instinctively curls up while covering her face. Her hand reaches down to her holder and grabs her gun and tries to aim and shoot him. She luckily hits his ankle and he collapses on her. Ochako isn't weak but he is literally dead weight on her and struggles to push him off. When she looks up she sees Bakugo holding his hand out crackling it threateningly. 
"SURRENDER VIGILANTE! and no one gets hurt." He growls intimidatingly. Ochako realizes she still has that mask on she got from Maisie, he can't see her face. 
"Ok" She holds out hands to be cuffed. He smirks as he looks down for his cuffs which had been knocked off his utility belt. He then gets struck by a strong punch and hits the wall. Ochako smiles up at Sora. 
"Don't look so smug Pinky...lets go."
As they begin to flee from the building Bakugo goes crazy throwing explosions all over construction site without any care about the destruction he was creating. They are almost free when Ochako feels an hand grab her leg. 
"DIE BASTARDS!" He screams while his hand heats up. She can feel her leg burning,  he is frenzied and not able to control himself. 
"Do you miss her? Did you get her a cake?"
"Firebird, her birthday just past" 
He lets go and Sora punches him again before picking Ochako up and fleeing the scene. Ochako shed tears partly from the pain but also from using a dirty tacit. 

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