15. Branded

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When Ochako gets back home she see's an angry Bakugo at the front of their building scowling at her. She's too exhausted to deal with his explosiveness right now her job tonight was tiring.
"What the fuck Round face!" He yells when she just walks past him ignoring him. He grabs her arm and pulls her against him. Trapping her against him as he holds her tightly. "Don't ignore me."
"Bakugo I'm really tired can we fight tomorrow please?"  
"Whatever" He wipes some dirt off her cheeks. "Lets go get you cleaned up."
He drags her upstairs to his apartment and shoves her into his en suite. 
"Wow two bathroom three bedroom apartment. This place is massive."
"There's a study as well... it was initially two apartments but we knocked down a wall when we moved in..." Bakugo voice trials. Ochako sensing he never really processes his grief  decided not to inquire and just went to have a shower. She was enjoying the hot shower when she was suddenly enveloped by warm arms. 
"Oh hi I wasn't expecting you to join me."
"Cheeks I haven't fucked a soul in like three years. I'm going to try and make up for lost time. Now just stand there and enjoy ok?" He says as he begins kissing down her body. She closes her eyes enjoying the attention but suddenly feels a finger poking her thigh. 
"What the fuck is this?"
"This mark..."
"Weren't we about to do something else right now?"
Bakugo makes a strangled noise and turns off the shower and picks Cheeks up and throws her on the bed. He throws a towel and before he leaves the room. He comes back holding a photo and holds Uraraka down so he can examine her thigh again. 
"Explain to me why you've been branded with a Saito clans seal?"
Uraraka doesn't understand how to explain, so she she tries to stall by straddling him but he is having none of it. He shoves her off and holds up a photo to her of a limb with the same brand burnt into the flesh. 
"I'm not in the mood now Cheeks... this photo was taken from a medical examiners office."
"Technically I am a Saito... by marriage."
Bakugo face looked almost white. "You married into the Saito Yakuza family? WHY? What possessed you to do that?"
"My parents needed the money...for their construction company. Subaru offered a very generous dowry for me."
"WHAT THE FUCK the head of their family ... Fuck you couldn't marry someone a bit lower the food chain!...Didn't they get arrested for embezzlement and fraud?"
"Yea well when we got married he was given my share of the company as a wedding gift... It didn't go well for them. I'm pretty sure that construction company we fought at the other night was built on the foundation of my parents company."
"You don't have tattoos."
"Clans people have tattoos ... property get branded."
Bakugo hugs Ochako before he starts awkwardly lifting her limbs and turning her around.
"Umm Bakugo what are you doing?"
"Checking for signs of past injuries or trauma."
"Stop please can we just go to bed I'm tired."
"Tck fine" 

The next morning Ochako was woken up by Aki peering down at them. Ochako panicked her hands grasped the bedding, she was thankful they were both covered by the blanket. 
"Koko you slept over."
"Um yeah."
"You aren't wearing clothes.."
"How would you know that?"
"You did the naked panic grab for sheets. Am I going to have a sibling soon?"
"What!? NO! Why would you ask that?"
"We learnt about it at school. Tell Papa I'm went to school with my friend Kae." She says as she walks out of the room. 
Ochako jabs Bakugo in the side to wake him up. 
"Fuck you're worse then Aki ... just let me sleep for gods sake."
"Hmmrz this is very different attitude to early mornings compared to high school."
"Yea well looking after a newborn does that to you." He groans as he grabs his phone to begin making a few phone calls. He begins to get dressed but not for work. "Tonight we going to see Icyhot ... he's the one investigating Saito clan. I'm sure you could give him some great Intel. First lets go have our first date."  

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