21. Falling

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Uraraka has a moment of panic stricken fear, she felt frozen unable to move. She notice he has his two most trusted goons with him. One of them was essentially a human looking hulk. The other one is a bit like a viper he has venomous fangs, if he pierces your skin you get poisoned.  
"Three just take her along with us we could use a hostage." 
Uraraka fights the the hulking man known as Three but he easily overpower her. He could literally snap her spine if he wanted it. 
"You're surrounded no point running!" She yells at them.
"Maybe but maybe you will be useful for once in your life." He hisses as her as they go back through the trap door. 

Bakugo walks up to Shoto and Deku, he was done with his raid early so headed over keen to see Ochako in her hero outfit. For a master mind criminal organization their raid went off without a hitch. 
"You finished up?"
"Not really... Saito escaped us but no one has left the compound yet.... also Uraraka isn't here.. Did she contact you?"
Bakugo pulled out his phone and read the message. "You are amazing hero and father. Its ok to be happy. Love you always " He pulled a face... WTF Cheeks  doesn't text soppy shit like this...  

Suddenly Shoto's phone rang with an unknown number he picked up and put it on speaker.
"Hello" He said tentatively
"Hello Heroes, my wife told me to call you to negotiate."
"Oi we don't negotiate with fuckers like you!"
"Ochako, dear  say hello."
"DON'T NEGOTIATE BAKUGO!" She yells until her voice is muffled by a hand. 
"Ok well she is too mouthy of late... We will give her to you unharmed if we are given a 3 hour window."
"How will we know she will be safe? Three hours is a long time...how about ten minutes... Its generous especially you have a teleportation quirk." Shoto calmly responds. He indicates to Deku to try and keep Bakugo silent since his temper isn't suited for negotiating.
"That is a hard bargain... if we had a teleportation quirk do you think we would be talking to you" He stops talking to Shoto to shout to his henchmen. "FUCKING CAN'T YOU CONTAIN A SMALL WOMAN!" 

Everyone hears a rumble from a clock tower in the far corner of the properly and watch in fascination and fear as the top of it seems to rip off and float. Bakugo shoves Midoriya off him.
"Cheeks is doing that!" He screams at them as if it wasn't obvious. They hear a commotion on the phone they have obviously not realised they haven't hung up.
"If you kill me we plummet ... You would die from the drop now." She groans, obviously the strain of floating them is taking a toll on her. She looks at them angrily as she yells. "Put the phone on speaker!"
"Dear please have some compassion considering our history."
"HISTORY! COMPASSION!! You sick fuck...." She screams obviously wanting to get a few things off her chest. "If you die at my hands and I go to jail it will be worth it! I deserve to go there anyway after you made me sink that container of bodies!"
Bakugo is livid and is about to use his quirk to blast himself to her, she seemed to notice the sound of crackling and popping over the phone.
"Katsuki don't come here its fine!"
"STOP BEING AN IDIOT CHEEKS!!!" He screams, he is certain she wants to die with them to make amends for helping them in the past. His mind begins spiraling, this feels familiar. His gut was doing turns and for once in his life he couldn't speak. He is looking at the part of the building she's floating which is getting smaller as they ascend. 
"Choose now surrender to the police or die! If I drop us now I'll be fine... you will plummet to your death!" She gasp's the toll of floating them so high is showing. 
"FUCK YOU BITCH! I SHOULD HAVE KILLED YOU AGES AGO!" Screams Saito before you hear screaming from the three men. Ochako is oddly silent.
Bakugo begins snatches the phone of Shoto and just screams "Cheeks" into it hoping she responds.  Shoto stares at them as they fall. They initially were all huddled together but the three men now seem to be clinging to each other as they plummet whereas Uraraka seems to be unconscious falling in a slightly different trajectory . He nods to Midoriya who launches himself to grab the criminals. 
"BAKUGO!" He usually clam hero yells at him. Bakugo looks at him angrily. "Go and catch her!"
Bakugo blasts off not needing to be told twice. Shoto made a massive ice slide so they could slide down to safety if they needed it. Midoriya lands and they quickly arrested the three gang members. Bakugo landed holding Uraraka in her arms.
"Hey Katsuki I did good yea?" She says groggily.
"Yea Cheeks you did so good! better then all the Pro's here." He smiles at her happily, relieved it all worked out well. His smile dropped when he noticed her body dropped limp. Why ! She isn't bleeding much ... just a few scratches. He puts his fingers against her neck feeling for her pulse it was very slow. NO FUCK. WHY IS THIS HAPPENING AGAIN .... No no no I wont make it if she dies. AM I CURSED?  Why do they always die on me?
The thoughts in his head are spiraling as he holds her close to his chest, even as the medics try to pull her away. He is so caught up in his head that he wont let go of her. Eventually Midoriya picks up Uraraka's  tranquilizer gun and shoots Bakugo in the back with it.

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