22. Too fast?

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Ochako wakes up to a blinding head ache, it was all too bright. She rubs her eyes trying to hide from the light. It feels less intense and she opens her eyes and see's her boyfriend is standing over her blocking the light from directly shining into her face.
"Are you awake?"
"You feeling ok?"
"Yea" She answers still feeling a bit disorientated. Bakugo inhales deeply before he grabs her and pulls her close to him. He brings his face close to hers before he begins going off. 
"Good because what the fuck was that Cheeks! Fucking going off on your own! RECKLESS that's what it was! If you weren't alone you wouldn't have been bitten by that bastard! Trying to atone for you sins by sacrificing yourself. That is the most stupid, selfish shit I have ever heard of... did you think of what would happen if you died huh? How broken I'd be... I've buried one wife you think I want to bury another!? Huh? What about Aki you think about her she'd be fucking devastated!..... fuck just marry me already Cheeks"
"Um was that a proposal?"
"Huh? I mean yes... why wait?"
"Because I'm still married."
"So is there some law saying you can't be engaged while being married? Once your divorce papers go through we will get married... like fuck we can do it the day after."
"OK lets do it!" 
"Good because I already told Aki she could be a flower girl."

12 Months later

Bakugo walks up holding a bouquet of flowers as he walks up to Asami's grave. He sits down and leans against the hedge stone.
"I know I'm a dickhead and haven't visited... not that I think you are here... like your soul of whatever... Yea yea I know I already hear you yelling at me cussing me out for not having balls...Fuck even Aki has bigger balls she visits you all the time with Cheeks." He pauses and groans in frustration not used to doing this shit. "So anyway I'm getting married tomorrow... I have to admit I'm a bit nervous... Ha! You should see the guest list... heroes, vigilantes and for some reasons strippers? I think you'd like her... Aki loves her and she loves Aki soo much... next time we will all visit you ok?" 


Bakugo hugs Ochako from behind and kisses her ear as she stands in front of their full length mirror.
"Why the long face Cheeks? You can't make that face on our what is it like our second wedding anniversary?" He nuzzles his face into her neck.
"Happy Anniversary Katsuki! Nothing its just I dunno mind wandering."
Bakugo knew what her mind wandering meant and he ran his finger over the branded skin on her thigh and sighs.
"Since its out anniversary if you really want ... I can help you get rid of it..."
"Thanks but no."
"What the fuck do you mean no? You have spent the last few years nagging me to do this shit to you!"
"You can't right now ... because I'm pregnant."
"Is this why you've been a raging bitch the past few weeks?"
"I m mean of course I'm happy. Why do you seem not happy about it Cheeks?"
"I mean you just took the number 1 hero spot... you aren't worried it might affect your work... and I wont be able to be your sidekick anymore and go out for field work..."
"What no... the only reason those two nerds beat me was because I was a single parent... Now this is a even playing field!... fine their brats will be like a couple months older but those idiots surrogate is having triplets!" He laughs so loud he's almost crying. He turns serious as he presses his forehead against Ochako's. "Plus you should take the time to study for the written licensing exam...You have enough practical hours now... Plus I'd much rather have you as my partner then my sidekick."
Ochako smiles before kissing him. "You know... If you told me in first year that the class hot head would turn into a such an amazing husband, I would have laughed. Also I was thinking if it was a girl could we name her Asami?"
Bakugo nodded and kisses his wife back hungrily. 
"Ewww could you two be any grosser!" Aki yells at them while they ignore her and continue kissing. 

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