16. More old friends

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Todroki hears the door bell, despite having the money he doesnt like having "staff" in the evenings, when he is relaxing. It was part of the reason he preferred a penthouse to a mansion. He looks at the monitor which shows Bakugo waiting at the private lift for the penthouse. He presses the button to give him access to the lift. Shortly after he hears his impatient knocking at the door. He opens the door confused by seeing a small brunette next to Bakugo. Bakugo has never really dated since his wife passed so it would be odd if he brought over a girl.
"Hello Bakugo... Did you bring Aki is this her nanny?"
Bakugo grimaces.
"Fucking thick in the head half n half bastard. You don't recognize her?"
"Sorry. Sometimes I'm bad with faces. My name is Shoto Todo..." He stops speaking when Ochako does her signature pose with her fingers to float a bit off the ground. "Uraraka?"
She smiles and nods. It felt nice seeing her old classmates.
"One moment please." Todoroki hurries off to find his phone and makes a call. "Hello Izuku... Yes I know about the time difference I'm sorry to disturb you. Yes I miss you too. Just stop taking for one moment please."
The hetero chromatic eyed hero  holds up his phone so Midoriya could see a familiar face. As soon as Bakugo hears Deku's voice he storms off to Shoto's kitchen and begins riffling through his fridge to make some dinner. 
"Ochako! Why are you there? Where did you go? Are you doing hero work with Shoto?" The voice over the phone rapidly fires questions to her. 
"Fucking hang up with the nerd. We need to do some work."
Todoroki hung up and looked at Ochako almost smiling. Bakugo had begun cutting up some of the stuff from the fridge. Todoroki seemed unfazed by the fact that he just started cooking so it must be something he does. 
"So how long have you been back in Tokyo?" He asks his old classmate. 
"A few years."
"Oh you only recently began reconnecting with old classmates?"
"Err not really this was Bakugo's idea."
"I always thought you would have reached out to Izuku first." 
"I didn't reach out to anyone. It was just a coincidence that we live in neighboring buildings and he's very nosy. Honestly he didn't know it was me for a bit"
"If you didn't wear that stupid mask all the time I would have..."  Bakugo yelled while facing the stove. "Babe pasta ok for dinner?" Ochako responded with a affirmative hum. 
"Babe?" Todoroki's face seemed slightly confused and shocked.
"Oh we sorta started dating at well."
"WHAT DO YOU MEAN 'SORTA'! You're my mother fucking girlfriend."
"Ah I see I always boated you two."
"You mean shipped?" Ochako said in-between her laughter.
They all sat around the kitchen eating dinner when Todoroki suddenly asked.
"I am happy to see you Uraraka but why are you here? Bakugo told me he had intel."
Bakugo snorts and points at Ochako. "What better person to get intel on the Saito clan from then the soon to be ex wife of their leader."
Todoroki dropped his fork dumbfounded. He looks down at his hands for a bit before looking at Bakugo with a straight face. "How do we know we can trust her. Seems convenient that she so happened to turn up near you."
Bakugo eyes had a dangerous glint to them but he remains unexpectedly calm. He held up the photo he had from of the body who was branded. "Would you do this shit to someone you cherish? Or this."
He pulls back her hair to show him the missing part of her ear. She gives Bakugo an irritated glare as she pulls her hair back over her ears. Katsuki doesn't recognize her irritation and pulls her to sit on his lap putting his arms around her almost in a protective manner. He is almost vibrating in anger. Ochako sensing he was a hair away from exploding decided to provide some additional information. 
"I ran away two years ago after that happened." She explained before she paused pondering if she should reveal anymore. "I'm not a mole... but I must admit I do vigilante/mercenary style jobs now."
"She patrols that neighborhood with the construction site. You have to stop doing that while we you help us with bringing down Saito clan." Bakugo seems much more calm now. 
"Hmm I've always wondered why the vigilantes patrolled there if there is a Yakuza presence." Pondered Shoto. 
"Because Saito rarely offers protection services... even at a monthly fee... so the shopkeepers felt unsafe at night with the increased crime."
"Come on Cheeks give us more info. I want to catch this bastard so you can divorce him."
"Ah this explains why you're so motivated by work."
"Shut the fuck up Icyhot!"

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