9. Photographs

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Ochako looked shocked but realised he must have had a drunken vision. She promptly drops his limp body before she tidies up the house and leaves a packet of painkillers on the kitchen bench. When she gets back to hers Aki is tucked into her bed looking through an album.
"Koko you were so young !"
Ochako quickly changes into her pjs and hopes into bed as well.
"This is my mum and dad... they used to own a construction company." She says pointing to a photo
"This is me in middle school."
"This is after I went for my entrance exam... oh this was the school concert we did so fun... this was training camp."
"Wow did you go to UA?"
"Yes briefly."
"Did you know my dad he went there too?"
"Umm maybe ... there were a lot of students at the school."
"This boy has hair like Deku!" Aki points.
"It is"
"No way!!! he's soo little here !!! You are friends with Deku!"
"Ah no more like just a fan girl. He wouldn't remember me."
"Oh its still cool!" Aki flips the page. "You look so pretty in this Kimono so fancy looking."
"Yea it was my wedding Kimono."
Stupid Ochako stupid
"Ah yea I was I'm not anymore." 
"So you're single?"
"You should date my Papa..." Aki says while snuggle against Ochako. "Then we could always spend time together."
"Nah I don't think I'm your dads type."

Bakugo POV
The sun shines brightly, there must be a flash grenade or something going off. Opening my eyes I realise its just the sun. Fuck I must be hung over.  I grab onto the kitchen counter and pull myself up, my head is pounding. I see there's a bottle of water of some paracetamol on the counter. I grab the tablets and just chew on them before I drink the water, looking around everything looks normal except a large tied up garbage bag tied up near the sink. 
"AKI!" I yell no reply... odd... she usually always wakes me up. I stagger around the apartment calling her name nothing. I notice the door is open to her room so I push it open with my foot. 
"Aki this isn't funny brat." My eyes dart to the open window... "FUCK" 
I grab my phone to call and report her missing when I see the texts she sent me. 'At Koko's for a sleep over.'
Rage pushes the hangover away as I rage call her. Hearing the phone connect I yell.
"WHAT THE FUCK AKI ! You don't just run off in the middle of the night."
"Please don't swear at Aki..."
"Huh who are you?...you're not Aki... Let me talk to my daugther!" 
"Not if your going to yell at her. You were acting like a dickhead last night when you were drunk which is why she here with me... so get your act together and I'll drop her off in two hours." beep beep. 
WHATT did this bitch hang up on me?  why did she sound familiar as well?

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