8. Vigilante Pinky

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"WOAHH KOKO! You are going through jobs like crazy!!!!"  Maisie exclaims as she checks the brunettes job count. "Soon you're going to put some of these other losers out of work."
Ochako giggles as she scans her phone to get paid. "Its ok they all love me." which is true her sweet infectious personality managed to win over almost all the vigilantes. 
"Plus you're going to  make them fatter with all the sweets your bring for everyone." Maisie says while eating a homemade cookie that Ochako brought in. "You know if you keep this up you're going to get a reputation. You need a vigilante name... and a better mask...and weapons..."
"Whats wrong with my self defense baton? Its retractable it can fit in my bag....I guess I could use a mask..."
Maisie was holding off for this exact moment of weakness. She suddenly starts bringing up all this stuff she has hidden under the bar.
"This one is cute and you get full face coverage without affecting your sight... and this gun I think you'd like... its a non lethal a 'ninight gun' as I call it. You don't seem like a a killer."
"Oh WOW....The mask is cute... I guess the gun could be useful to...I dunno about a name... "
"Sugar cookie? Mochi face... Sweet lips... Hover girl?" Maisie offers these horrible suggestions as she begins eating the last cookie in the basket. A gruff looking man walks over to the basket and see's its empty and curses. 
"Fucking hell" He glares at Maisie. "I've been looking forward to a sweet treat from Pinky all night while doing jobs."
"My name is Koko." Ochako responds while reaching into her bag and pulls out a container she bought from home. She opens it and offers him some Mochi. He greedily takes two and shoves an both in his mouth.
"Ah I told everyone your name was Pinky...." He says while chewing the sweets. He swallows and looks down at his phone. "I have a job next Friday...  I might need someone with your special skill set."
"Um you need to move something heavy?"
"What you can do that? Nah I just needed a cute girl to distract some people for me... but if you can lift heavy shit that could be useful as well."
"Sure... whats my cut?"
"It depends but at least 10%" 
Ochako nods accepting the collaboration, 10% wasn't going to amount to much but sometimes she craved the working others.

Her phone begins to ring so she answers. Her face seems serious before she hangs up. "I gotta go Maisie just charge this shit to my account." She says as she grabs the gun and mask. 
Ochako runs to Aki apartment block. She uses her quirk to float up to Aki's room window and knocks on the window. Aki is in tears and opens the window so Ochako can climb in.
"Sweety are you ok?" Ochako whispers as she holds Aki close. She can hear the sound of crap being smashed and a drunken Bakugo ranting. 
"Yea Papa came home and he got really angry because I was watching the video of Mama.  He yelled at me to go to my room before he starting breaking things."
"Did you call anyone else?" 
"Yea Uncle Kiri... he said he was working but he sent Deku to come by."
"OK can you fly?"
Aki nods. 
"Great lets just go out the window and fly down and you can sleep over at mine. I'll come back and let your Papa know ok?"
Ochako gets Aki set up in her apartment before she floats back to Bakugo's apartment entering through Aki's window. She puts her ear against the door hearing two voices, someone yelling. Good it must be Izuku, she cracks open the door and walks toward their voices, making sure to hidden in the shadows. She takes the sleep gun out of her handbag and holds it behind her back just in case.
"Kachan please calm down.. Aki is scared." The sound of a glass being thrown and smashed rings loudly.
"Oh know how to raise my child huh? FUCKING POOR AKI NO MOTHER... who's fault is that... YOUR'S YOUR FUCKING FAULT..."
"Kachan I'm sorry I tried my best there was nothing I could have done."
"Kachan the paramedic already checked her... she was already gone ."
"LIAR! She was alive... she was alive when I was holding her...." Bakugo sobs into his hands before he looks up at Izuku his face is tormented. "You should have left me to die with her then."
"K-kachan!" Deku sniffled obviously crying now. Ochako stepped out of the shadows wearing her regular face mask and a cap.
"I took Aki to my house... I'm a neighbor you can leave err Deku." Ochako said making her voice a bit lower then usual. Deku accepts this and leaves. Katsuki turns to glare at Ochako. 
"Thanks." He spits out. 
"If she calls me again because your drunk... I'm calling social services." Ochako says bluntly. 
This angers Bakugo greatly and he charges toward Ochako. She pulls out the gun and shoots him in the leg. He falls forward and she runs forward to grab him before he face slammed into the floor. He is fighting the drug and is able to still able to move a bit. He brushes his hand through Ochako hair and looks up at her dazed.
"Cheeks I've missed you." He mutters before he passes out.

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