18. Meetings

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The next day the two of them were catching the train to Todoroki's and Midoriya's Agency. Bakugo notices the train getting rather crowded and pulls Ochako into his chest while holding her closely. He smiled looking down at her rosy cheeks. 
"So did you keep your license?"
"Your provisional license?"
"Yea but I didn't renew it for ages?"
"I think you fill out a form. We can check it out when we get in?"
"Err I dunno seems like a hassle plus I'm not a hero... can we just drop it."
"Tch whatever." He scowled at Ochako. This was not the response he was expecting, he thought she would have jumped at the opportunity to become a hero or even a sidekick if she needed more experience.

The meeting went smoothly, Ochako was able to give some valuable information especially regarding the location of their main head quarters. Operations were split between three locations, so they unanimously decided to plan a strike at the same time on all three locations. As the meeting wrapped, people started shuffling out of the room except for a flash of red hair which ran right past Bakugo to pick up Ochako and spin her around.
"URARAKA!!! I haven't seen you in forever! I wanted to call out during the meeting but felt it would be unmanly to embarrass you in front of everyone." He was still holding her up in the air with ease, she felt like a child in his arms. If it wasn't for his signature red hair and scar over his eye she wouldn't have thought it was him. 
"Kirshima? WOW you look so different did you like grow taller ? and you got really buff... and  your hair its so long!" She gushes excitedly as she notices it was tied back.
"Yea I had a bit of a late growth spurt!"
"Shitty hair put my girlfriend down!" Growls Bakugo, if his best friend wasn't holding his girlfriend he would have tackled the herculean sized man. Kirishima puts her down gently and squeezes his neck trying to hide his embarrassment. 
"Sorry I just was excited to see an old classmate... I totally forgot we were at work.. Sorry Uraraka." He looks past the couple making a not subtle confused WTF expression to Todoroki who just shrugged and walked off to his office. "Oh we should totally all meet up have an unofficial reunion!"

When the couple headed home Katsuki seemed slightly preoccupied the entire evening. Once they were laying in bed, her boyfriend just avoiding conversation more so  then usual.
"Katsuki whats wrong?"
"Nothing." He grunts and turns to lay on his side away from Uraraka. She grabs the blanket and yanks it off him.
"No, you've been in a weird mood all day!"
"Fuck you heathen leave me alone." He screams. "No wonder your husband didn't want you"
He knew immediately he fucked up with his lack of filter at times. Uraraka just got up out of the bedroom and left not even looking at him. Fuck fuck fuck. Idiot  she's silent angry...that's like a  level 9 on the I fucked up scale. 

The next morning Bakugo got up and saw Aki already dressed for school. 
"Brat why are you awake so early?"
"Koko said she'd take me to buy cupcakes for my bake sale before class!"
"You had a bake sale?"
"Yeah it seemed stupid so I didn't tell you. Koko said it was for charity so I should bring something."
Ochako steps out of the bathroom already dressed. She mumbles a good morning to Bakugo before going to grab her jacket and calls out from the entrance. 
"Lets go Aki or you will be late for school."
Aki shot her dad a look and mouthed the words "She gonna kill you" before she left for school. Bakugo hung around for as long as he could before he had to leave for work. It's fine I'll just talk to her when we get home.

"Pinkie!" Maisie patted Ochako's shoulder as her head laid against the bar.
"Ah" The slightly inebriated brunette responded. 
"Like I'm glad to see you but maybe you should stop drinking."
"No just go home and rip your insensitive boyfriend a new one!" Maisie looks at Ochako stand up to head out but she is swaying a lot. "SORA! can you make sure she gets home." 
"Lets go Pinkie!" Sora says as he picks her up and puts her over his shoulder.

Sora puts Uraraka down in front of the apartment building. The entire shoulder ride she drunkenly complained about her insensitive ass boyfriend. 
"Sounds like he has a big ass HERO ego. It's to be expected with these big shots."
"I guess thanks for listening to me complain. I'll see you next time!" She turns around and see's said angry looking boyfriend at he entrance of the building now just glaring at her.
"No problem if you have any problems give me a call Pinkie!" He says as he walks off.
"Where were you?! Who is that extra?!" He says as he grasp her shoulder. Realizing he seemed a bit clingy he lets go. "You didn't answer your phone, we got worried something had happened."
"Nothing I just went to blow off some steam because someone of some ass hat."
"I'm sorry... I just don't think sometimes... Asami used to throw shoes at me... you can do that too if you want?"
"No I'm fine. Your comment was hurtful... but you were obviously upset the whole day why were you in a mood yesterday?"
"It was nothing... Why the fuck didn't you want to renew your license?"
"Was that all?"
"What do you mean 'that all'... why did you got enroll for the hero course if you weren't going to be a hero!?" He was beginning to get worked up again. 
"I did want to be one... but now I feel like a fraud if I was to do hero work."
"WHY? Fucking lots of bastards graduated who had way less potential."
"You think I was married into crime and was never involved with illegal activities?"
"That's different you had to!"
She shrugged. "Lets just go inside this shit isn't important."
They sort of made up but it still felt a bit tense as they headed upstairs. Aki broke the tension  by lobbing her slipper at Bakugo's head as he entered.
"You're an ogre! Why did you make Koko angry! She will leave us!" The child angrily yelled at him.
"Aki its ok really look I'm not leaving you... its normal to fight... you fight with your dad all the time don't you?"
"I guess I do... Did you want to sleep in my room... so you don't have to see his stupid face?"

When Bakugo was in bed he spooned against his girlfriend, not able to sleep. "What stuff did they make you do?"
"Float things...sometimes it was suspicious cargo probually weapons of drugs... once a tank.... one time... it was a shipping container... they wanted me to drop it in the ocean....I don't want to think about what was in the container." She said with silent tears. Bakugo would sense her pain and just kissed her and held her tightly. 

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