He gets jealous

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Aang- you were at the earth kingdom gala with Toph and Katara trying to meet the Earth king to warn him about the war. You were very dressed up. While searching you got separated from Toph and Katara. Clearly looking lost a younger socialite approached you. "Care to dance m'lady"? He asked and you saw Long Fang looking over at you. You nodded and let him lead you to the floor. I haven't seen you around here before, who are you parents"? He asked and you had to think fast.

"I'm here with my cousin who is a Beifong". You told him keeping your smile.

"The Beifongs wow they never come to anything! I didn't even know they had a child"! He laughed causing you to fake a laugh. Suddenly Aang came crashing into you dumping a plate of hors d'oeuvres on the boy. Also making Aang's hat fall off. You face palmed and glared at him.

"He was all over you"! Aang exclaimed when the boy ran away to get cleaned up.

"He was just friendly Aang"! You groaned. "Wait were you jealous"? You blushed.

"No"! He exclaimed before he realized people were staring at him. He started entertaining people and Toph found you taking your arm.

"He was totally jealous". She smirked.

Sokka- it was before the eclipse war when Haru arrived he was very nice and charming. "So what brings you to a fight like this princess"? He asked.

"Her boyfriend"! Sokka responded for you with an arm around your shoulders. You elbowed him and grabbed his hand.

"Can speak for myself, but yeah pretty much and revenge for my sister". You told Haru.

"Revenge for Yue"? Sokka asked with confusion.

"I thought that was kinda obvious". You chuckled.

"I just thought you loved me". He pouted slightly.

"I do"! You exclaimed holding his face.

"I'm gonna go". Haru chuckled nervously.

"Jealous much"? You asked. "After all this time you didn't think I'd want any Justice for Yue"? You asked.

"I wasn't sure, it wasn't my business but I was glad you were here". He told you. "Jealousy is my forte". He joked and you kissed him.

Zuko- you were at ember island with him on the beach. "Hey can you go get me something cold"? You asked him walking your fingers up his chest.

"Of course"! He exclaimed jumping up. A tall and very tan boy came up to you shortly.

"Hey I'm Chen, we're having a party tonight, we invited your friends and they seem into it, how about you"? He asked with a sly smirk.

"Can my boyfriend and his sister come"? You asked.

"For sure as long as they don't make a scene some of the most important teens in the fire nation will be there". He warned you.

"Of course"! You smiled. He winked and walked away.

"What's up"? Zuko asked holding an ice cream out to you. You accepted it and explained about the party. "That guy invited you to a party and your first question was if I could come"? He asked a small smile playing on his lips.

"Of course it wouldn't be any fun without you". You smiled. He kissed you on the cheek and you took a lick of your ice cream. "Delicious"!

Haru- you were riding in with the water tribe warriors and every other type of warrior you could imagine towards the meeting place for the Eclipse battle. The sleeping situation was interesting. The Duke had chosen you as a new companion. The night before you reached the meeting point the Duke was curled up next to his helmet with his head on your lap. Haru sat beside you and put his head on your shoulder. The Duke squirmed and you stroked his hair. Haru mimicked him but you ignored Haru. "Is this what it'll be like if we ever have a kid"? You asked.

"Oh. I don't know, you think about that"? He asked chuckling slightly.

"Yeah it also makes you less jealous of a literal child". You told him.

"Let's not talk about this until we cross that bridge". He chuckled kissing your head.

Jet- you were getting vegetables at a stand and the stand keep's son was talking with you. "So you live with that guy who fought the fire nation outside the city"? He asked.

"Yeah, I fought back too". You told him squeezing a squash.

"So you're pretty strong"? He smirked at you.

"Yeah, Jet helped me learn a lot". You said gritting you teeth slightly.

"So you'd want to be with and even stronger guy". He leaned in towards you and you felt Jet put an arm around you. You smiled and turned around to kiss him.

"Yeah sorry I already have one"! You smiled and hugged Jet.

"That's me".

Mako- you were taking him lunch while he was on patrol. He wasn't where he said he'd be so you were waiting. "Hey lil mama is that for me"? A man asked.

"Nope move along". You said keeping your eyes out for Mako.

"Oh come on, I'm hungry too"! He said trying to grab the bag. You jumped away and into someone else.

"Hey sorry I had to park-". He paused looking at the man. "Around the block. Can I help you"? He growled at the man who had not realized you were waiting for a police officer.

"Nope! Sorry to bother you"! He exclaimed running away.

"Was he-". You cut Mako off kissing him.

"Yeah but you're here now". You hugged him and he hugged you back. "You were jealous"? You smiled. "

"Just a little". He chuckled.

Bolin- you were on set for your first day and Varrick was acting like your personal tour guide. He kept touching you to lead you places and noticed you winced slightly when he touched your shoulder. "Are you alright (Y/n) I can have someone look at it if you're hurt". He told you appearing genuine.

"No it's an old probbending injury Katara herself can't even do anymore for it". You told him, suddenly he pulled you into a hug. Bolin walked by having heard you explain and was a tad jealous. Varrick let go of you and Bolin rushed over to you.

"Ah Nuk Tuk! I've got a great new idea! Your romantic interest will be-". Bolin cut him off.

"(Y/n)! What a great idea since we already have that chemistry going it all comes naturally"!

"Well yes maybe... I've decided to make it a love triangle"! Varrick shouted enthusiastically. "I'll be adding another female interest! He said before she walked in she was a beautiful woman. "Ginger"!

"Great so it's my turn to be jealous". You sighed.

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