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    "Are you Bakugou's sister?" Was Uraraka's immediate question, complete with furrowed brows and somewhat clueless frown. Kotomi grinned at her with a soft arrogance.

    "Fat chance, Round Face."

    Uraraka's eyes widened as she recognized the familiar nickname. She started with a slow but shocked "Katsu--?"

    Kotomi simply glared at her, stopping her in her tracks.

    She held it there, that is until the brown-eyed brunette stuttered out the blonde girl's actual name "K-Kotomi?"

    The blonde nodded, satisfied.

    She walked to Izuku's table, an unrecognizable spring in her step.

    "So? How was it Ko-Chan?" Izuku asked, still smiling as if his classmates' eyes weren't still fixed on Bakugou.

    "A little painful." She paused and began to walk forward once more. "So, nerd, " she reached his seat. "Miss me?"

    Izuku knew Kotomi would feel different, and her attitude would change once her physical image matched her mental one. It was different, but Midoriya definitely wasn't averse to positive change.

    Midoriya's grin threatened to split his face in two while Jirou watched in barely concealed jealousy, her eyes flit to her own chest and just as quickly to Kotomi's. 'Even she has bigger boobs...' Was Kyoka's first thought.

    "Definitely, Ko-chan."

    In a hurricane of movement, the most curious and brave(or stupid) of the Class surrounded the newly-her. Kotomi looked around at them all as they asked questions, the smart ones simply coming to Izuku to ask their silly questions.

    Kaminari, clearly forgetting her new status, deadnaming her on multiple counts was a royal pain, however, she did notice Kirishima's personally offended expression when the blonde airhead kept rattling on with the questions.

    Bakugou would have punched him for each time he did too, but the door slid open once more, an ecstatic Mic-Sensei and clearly agitated Aizawa staring them down into silence.

    They all started in realization and excitement. This was it.

    Aizawa simply nodded, and unusually quiet, but a vibrating and very excited Present Mic shot them each a grin, an almost imperceptible nod to Kotomi, and finally, five fingers held up.

    Five Minutes till' go, the message was loud and clear, with the class smiling along and nodding ahead. The focus was now away from Bakugou.

    That wouldn't last, however.

    Not if Kotomi Bakugou had any say in it. And she would.

    Count on it.


    Eri was confused, and more than a little fearful of the crowd, but her new mom was with her, it would be fine!

    At least that was what Hero-San said, and Hero-San was to be trusted. Her onii-chan was trying to be one after all.

    She looked up at Hero-San as he stared at the stadium. They were in a special booth for Special Guests, although Eri couldn't grasp that concept.

    The other friendly armored Hero-San laughed at a joke Hero-San chirped out. Fast-Hero-San was friendly too, and he smiled at her with his mask on his lap.

    The bluenette was puzzled at first because, if Hero-San was a Hero-San, then what should she call the other Hero-Sans?

    Eri was distracted when the Loud-Hero-San on the big TV screeched about "Class 1-A" and a flash of recognition flashed in her scarlet eyes.

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