Sam sick again

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For video go to 13:02-13:46

Sams POV
I've had these terrible migraines all day and I don't know why. We are currently out of town so if I get sick we can't just cancel the trip and fly back. I've been trying to hide my pain from everyone else so they don't worry but its clear Colby can tell I don't feel good because he keeps giving me strange looks.

We are currently taking a tour of the hotel and the moment I reach the stairs I get the headache again and it almost makes me cry. I see Colby turn around so I try to look fine but it's too late

Colbys POV
Sams been pretty quiet all day. As we are walking around the hotel I'm filming and turn around to see Sam look upset.

You okay Sam?
S- yeah
It looked like you were about to cry
S- I think it's from the plane ride but I've just had a bad headache off and on all day. I'm fine though.
Alright. Let me know if you need anything.
I see Sam nod his head. Corey suggests we step outside for a bit for some fresh air. We all go outside and I see Sam shiver which is odd because it's not that cold. When we go back inside Sams cheeks are a bit pink.
You sure your okay Sam?
S- yeah I promise.

Sams POV
We finish walking around the hotel and get back to the room. I go straight to the bed and lay down.
J- it's not bedtime yet Sam
I look up at him and give him a small smile. Corey playfully punches my arm and I just winced in pain.
Please not right now Corey
Colby looks at me concerned.
C- Sam what's really going on.
Nothing. I'm just tired.
I can tell Colby doesn't believe me but he lets it slide by.
C- so should we all order some dinner?
J- sounds good to me.

Colbys POV
I pull out my phone to order some dinner. I get a hamburger, Corey gets some chicken and Jake orders a small pizza. I look over to Sam who is laying on the bed face down in a pillow.
Yo Sam. What do you want to eat?
Sam lifts his head to speak. He looks a bit pale.
S- oh um. I'll just have some sprite and maybe some soup.
That's it? You'll be hungry later and you don't even like soup.
S- yeah I'm not to hungry.
Sam puts his head back down. I look at him for a few seconds before putting my phone away.
Hey guys let's explore the room with our new ghost gadgets while we wait for our food.
J- yeah. We've got nothing else to do.

Sams POV
My head hurts so much more. I'm guessing it's the lighting in the room but after Corey punched me I started feeling kinda sick to my stomach. I still have my face buried in the pillow but I hear Colby say

C- great. Jake and Corey you take the rods and look around out here and Sam and I will take the light grid and check the bathroom. Come on Sam let's go.

I slowly sit up not wanting to do anything. I just look at Colby.

C- come on man you can sleep later.

He gives me a look and I catch on to his hint. I get up and follow him into the bathroom where he closes the door.
He puts his hands on my shoulders
C- dude. What is going on out there? You are not acting like yourself. Be honest with me Sam. What's wrong?
I just don't feel the best right now. My stomach and head hurt but I can manage. I swear.
C- all that's left to do is eat dinner then Jake and Corey will go back to their room and we can just relax okay. You can do this.
What about the seance at 3:00am?
C- we will cancel that if you still don't feel good after a bit of sleep alright?
All of a sudden we hear Jake scream from the bed. The loud scream hurt my head and made me flinch. I feel Colbys hand on my back. He tells me to breathe and we head out of the bathroom.

Corey's POV
Dude. Jake and I were sitting on the bed with the rods and we asked a question and no joke the bed shook.
J- yeah. You and Sam have to try. It's wild.
Colby walks over and sits on the bed but Sam doesn't move from his spot.
Sam come over here and feel the bed shake with Colby.
Sam and Colby exchange a look before Colby speaks up.
C- Sams head still hurts guys. The movement might not be the best thing for him at the moment
Oh. Okay.

Colbys POV
I get a text saying the food is here
Hey guys. The food is here. Can you go grab it for us?
Jake and Corey run out of the room to go get the food. I look over at Sam.
Come sit down man. I know you're not that hungry but please try to eat at least half of the soup okay?
Sam nods his head just as Jake and Corey get back with the food.
Sam gets done with half of his soup and puts his head down on the table. Once we are all finished I tell Corey and Jake to go check out their room and that we will wake them up at 3:00 for the séance.

Sams POV
Jake and Corey leave and go back to their room. It's about 10:00pm. Too early for bed but I feel so sick. I walk over to to the bed, take off my hoodie and shirt and get under the covers.
Colby comes out of the bathroom.
C- your tired already?
Yeah. Sorry I'm so out of it tonight.
C- no need to apologize Sam. I'll turn off the lights but I'm gonna stay up for a bit longer and look through some of our footage from the day.

I nod my head and before I know it I'm asleep.

Colbys POV
Looking back at the footage from the day I can really see that Sam is sick. I feel bad for him. I look through footage for another hour then I set my alarm for 3:00am. I put the camera away, get undressed and crawl into bed with Sam. The second I'm in the bed I feel heat just radiating off of Sams body. I reach over to his back. He is very warm. I sit up and feel his forehead which is even hotter. I shake Sam gently.
Sam? Sam wake up.
Sam rolls over and looks at me his cheeks bright red.
S- what do want Colby.
You feel really warm Sam. Do you still have the thermometer in your back pack from witches forest?
Sam nods his head yes and groans. I get up and go get the thermometer from the back pack. I look for some Advil or Tylenol but we're out. I get back in bed. I lay my hand on sams head again as we wait for the thermometer to beep. He definitely has a fever. When the thermometer beeps I take it out and look at it. 101.2
You have a fever Sam. I'm gonna turn off my alarm. We're not doing the séance tonight. Your too sick. I'll text Corey and Jake to let them know.

Time skip to 7:00am

Sams POV
I wake up at 7:00 due to a pounding headache. I sit up in bed waking Colby up in the process.
C- how do you feel this morning Sam?
Colby reaches over and rests his hand on my head then cheek.
C- you still have a fever. I'll text the guys to pack up and meet us over here in about an hour okay?

I nod my head and lay back down. I guess I fell back asleep because I woke up to Corey and Jake standing near the bed talking with Colby. I sit up slowly and pull my shirt on.

J- your right Colby. Sam really doesn't look good. He's very pale and flushed.
C- you ready to go home Sam? You can sleep on me during the flight so that you're head doesn't hurt more.

I agree and we all head out. All I remember is sleepily walking through the airport, boarding the plane and Colby playing with my hair before I fall asleep again

Sam and Colby hard timesWhere stories live. Discover now