Is this true love?

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~The next day ~

I woke up in Danny's bed, naked but wrapped in the covers, I looked to the right of me and Danny wasn't there.

I started to panic, feeling like he had actually just used me for the sex. 

"Is this true love?" I asked myself the whole time last night, it seemed so real and now he wasn't there, I hoped to god that he hadn't just left.

"Danny?" I called out, hoping for a reply. But nobody did reply, so I started worrying, I sat up and slipped on some clean underwear and a dirty "Motley Crue" t-shirt and I walked out of the room, the floor was cold, I rubbed my arms to keep warm. 

I slowly walked down the stairs, Lucy was asleep next to the sofa, but nobody else was to be seen.

When I got to the kitchen I just heard music playing, I was confused. Nobody was in the kitchen and nothing was cooking. I looked out of the window and I saw Danny taking photos of the sky. I smiled. He hadn't left me, he just went to take photos. I stood watching him and smiling, he then turned and picked up something from the grass and looked up as he was walking back inside and noticed me.

He smiled and started running through the door, he hugged me when he got inside.

"Morning love." He said.

I just smiled, I couldn't stop, my cheeks started  to hurt from smiling so much. 

Is this true love? [Danny Worsnop fan fiction]Where stories live. Discover now