I won't be afraid to give you a busted lip and a black eye

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A few weeks after - February time - Saturday night after an Asking Alexandria gig outside the bus - 11PM

"BEN, SAM, CAMERON, DANNY, JAMES!" Fans screamed as the boys were still in the venue sorting things out.

I was standing by the bus door waiting for them to come out too so we could head to our next venue. When a girl called me and screamed. I looked over and waved at her.


I wasn't going to, but I did, big mistake. I walked over thinking she was just one of those fans who liked me because I was dating one of the members and they wanted to meet me to say they'd met a members girl. But this girl.. 

"Hey, what would you like me to sign for you sweetie?" I asked her and I stood infront of her, she went from a smile to a scowl. 

"You're a fucking whore. Danny shouldn't be dating you, he deserves better than you, just an attention seeking whore who just wants to fuck all of the members." She snapped at me.

I was shocked, it wasn't like I hadn't got hate before, it was the fact it was the first time someone said anything that harsh.

I took a step back and held my hands up. 

"Woah, I don't know what's wrong with you, but that's pretty fucking insulting, I actually love Danny with my whole heart and he feels the same way about me, I wouldn't dream about having a relationship with any of the other band members because they are all such good friends." I said to her.

She laughed then leant over the gate. 

"You know you're just a lying ugly fucker." She snarled.

I shook my head and walked towards her, I got right in her face and poked my finger into her chest, making her jump back in fear. 

"Look you fucking rude bitch, I try to be nice to the Asking Alexandria fans as much as possible, even when they hate on me because Danny loves me, but you're just taking it all a bit too far and I suggest you think hard about the next things that you do or say, because I won't be afraid to give you a busted lip and a black eye." I shouted. 

She stood there shocked for a while.

So I smirked and turned to walk off. "Thought so." I said. 

But as I went to walk off, she grabbed my hair and pulled as hard as she could.

"You know, you are right, I needed to thing pretty hard, and this is what I am doing and you can't do fuck all about it." She said to me.

I yelled out in pain. 

Then sunk my nails into her wrist which made her let go, then I spun around and punched her in the face which made her fall to the ground, her friends gasped and bent down trying to wake her up.

"I fucking warned her." I said. 

"Woah! The fuck's happened here?!" I heard Cameron shout, he ran towards me and I told him what had just happened. 

Then Danny ran out and hugged me. 

"What the hell happened?" He asked me. 

"A 'fan' started hating on me, calling me an ugly whore who just wants to fuck you, to be able to fuck all of the others in the band, and so much more bullshit. Then I warned her that if she didn't stop I'd punch her, then she pulled my hair, and that's what we are left with I guess.

I said and turned getting onto the bus. 

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