𝚏𝚘𝚞𝚛𝚝𝚎𝚎𝚗 / 𝚖𝚊𝚛𝚌𝚎𝚕

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𝚃𝚑𝚒𝚛𝚍 𝙿𝚎𝚛𝚜𝚘𝚗'𝚜 𝙿𝙾𝚅
𝚃𝚠𝚘 𝙳𝚊𝚢𝚜 𝙻𝚊𝚝𝚎𝚛

"Thank you so much. You literally gave me my life back. I owe you both so much and I'm going to miss you guys." Amara said, hugging Audrey and Liam. They were going to head back home. They had been away from their daughter for a long time and they also had to go back to their own lives. In return for the help they gave, the Mikaelson siblings rewarded the couple with a spell written by the Original witch herself, Esther Mikaelson. To any witch, even one of her spells were priceless.

"I'm going to miss you A." Liam said.

"We'll definitely see you soon." Audrey said.

"Of course." Amara said. She gave the couple one last hug before they both left. 

"Amara." She heard, turning around to see Kol. "You wanna help me prank Elijah?"

"I am hurt you even felt the need to ask me." Amara said, making them both laugh.

"Quick, come with me." Kol said. "It's nearly his snack time. Every day, he'll have a small serving of blood in the same wine glass at the exact same time. Elijah's very picky about his blood type. He'll always have AB positive. We're gonna swap it to his least favourite. O."

"Ewwww. That's the worst one. It's like drinking gutter water." Amara cringed. "I'm in."

The pair went into the dining room and found Elijah's wine glass. Next to it was his blood bag with the AB blood inside. Amara quickly swapped it for the O blood. They quickly went to hide when they heard footsteps. Elijah walked into the dining room and grabbed the blood bag, pouring the blood into his glass. Before taking a sip, he took a sniff to which his face scrunched up. Amara and Kol looked at each other, trying not to laugh. Elijah shrugged and took a sip anyways, immediately regretting that decision as he spit the blood out.

"Which neanderthal swapped my snack?" Elijah complained before hearing the muffled laughs of Kol and Amara. "Very funny, Kol and Amara. I see you haven't grown out of your childish antics."

Kol and Amara came out of their hiding places, letting out their laughs.

"I hardly find you both letting me drink gutter water amusing." Elijah said with a straight face. "I feel like I'm going to throw up."

"Man, I missed playing pranks on Elijah with you." Kol said to Amara.

"I did miss being pranked by you, Amara." Elijah admitted. "The years weren't the same without you."

Amara smiled and gave Elijah a hug. She really did love Elijah. He was the older brother she always wished for.


It was now late in the afternoon and Amara had gone out to see Marcel. She had heard that the Mikaelsons brought him into the family a long time ago when he was just a boy and was with them ever since. She was to meet him in a café.

"Amara?" She heard as she walked into the café. She turned around and saw a dark skinned man who she figured was Marcel.

"Marcel, hey. It's so nice to meet you." She smiled, shaking his hand.

They both sat down and ordered some coffee before they got to talking, mostly about the Mikaelsons.

"So, how do you know the Mikaelsons?" Marcel asked.

Amara explained her story. How she and Klaus were once lovers, her relationship with the family, her quarrel with Esther and how she put her to sleep for a thousand years and everything that happened since she woke up.

"Oh, I'm so sorry." Marcel said. "I didn't know Klaus had loved a woman. He always seemed like a one night stand kinda guy."

"I just don't understand why he acts like he doesn't remember me. Even after everything that's happened." Amara muttered.

"Maybe that's just Klaus being Klaus. He doesn't like sharing his emotions much. He finds it makes him weaker. We've all tried explaining that's not the case but he's stubborn. Maybe give him time to soften up. It took him a long time to even fully trust me and open up."

"How did you guys meet?" Amara asked, interested to know his story.

"I was a little boy. Many years ago. I was being whipped. Abused. Klaus found me and took me under his wing. He named me Marcellus. After he found me, I became someone. He brought me into his family and raised me. Everything I am today is thanks to him." Marcel said.

The pair talked for a long time, not even realising how much time had passed until one of the waiters said the café was about to close.

"Wow, time flew." Amara said.

"I really enjoyed speaking to you. Would you wanna..do it again some time?" Marcel asked.

Amara was surprised. Was Marcel asking her out? She thought about it for a second. Kol did tell her it would be best if she moved on. She still loved Klaus but she had to think about herself too.

"Sure." She smiled.

Marcel put his number in Amara's phone before they parted ways. With a smile on her face, she walked back to the Mikaelson's. When she reached the compound, she saw all four Mikaelson siblings sitting together.

"Someone looks happy." Rebekah said when she saw her, grabbing everyone else's attention.

"Someone asked you out, didn't they?" Kol smirked.

"How did you know?" Amara asked.

"You have the 'someone asked me out' smile plastered on your face." He said, making Amara blush slightly.

"It really is very obvious." Elijah said.

"So, who is this lucky fellow?" Klaus said with a slight bitterness in his voice.

"You guys know him actually. Marcel. We talked and it ended up going on for hours and he asked if we could see each other again." Amara said. Klaus jaw tensed when he heard that. He didn't know why but he was angry. He felt like there was a fire in him. But why? Why was he feeling this way? Without saying a word, Klaus used his vampire speed to leave the compound. Amara looked at Rebekah who's face wasn't so cheery anymore.

"Bec, are you okay?" Amara asked.

"It's nothing. It's just me and Marcel had a history." She sighed.

"Oh my god. I didn't know that. I'm so sorry." Amara said. She now felt terrible. "If you want, I can't tell him we can't see each other."

"No, you're really happy and I don't want to take that away from you. We ended things a long time ago. It's fine."

Amara smiled and gave Rebekah a hug. "If at any point you're not comfortable, please do let me know."

"I will." Rebekah said.

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