𝚎𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝𝚎𝚎𝚗 / 𝚠𝚑𝚊𝚝 𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚕𝚕𝚢 𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚙𝚎𝚗𝚎𝚍

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𝚃𝚑𝚒𝚛𝚍 𝙿𝚎𝚛𝚜𝚘𝚗'𝚜 𝙿𝙾𝚅

Amara looked at Klaus in shock. Was she dreaming? Was this interaction she was having with him real?

"You're my Amara. You're my love." Klaus said.

Amara felt tears building in her eyes. She had waited for so long to hear those words coming from his mouth and finally, it was happening.

"Niklaus." She said, her voice coming out as a whisper as she held his cheek with her hand. Klaus held her hand with his as he stared into her eyes and leaned into her touch. "How? What happened?"

The pair sat down together on the edge of Amara's bed, Klaus taking Amara's hands in his.

"That day when you kissed me, I started to remember everything. I remembered giving you that necklace you're wearing. I remembered telling you how much I love you. I remember asking you to marry me. I remember you, my love." He said before sighing and looking down. "And I remembered why I couldn't remember you."

"What happened?"

Klaus sighed, his mind going back to the dreadful day.

Klaus looked around for days, trying to find the body of the love of his life. He put all his effort and power into finding her but he just couldn't. Just when he was about give up all hope, he noticed something glistening under the sunlight on the ground. He walked over and picked up the mysterious object, realising it was the engagement ring he had given Amara. He felt tears building in his eyes at the realisation that he would never see his blonde beauty ever again. All he had left of her was this one ring. He placed the ring in his pocket and headed back to his village.

When he arrived, he ignored everyone calling out to him and asking if he was okay. He even ignored his own siblings. He entered the family's small hut they called home and fell to the ground in despair. First he lost his beloved brother Henrik and now the love of his life. Why did everything have to happen to him?

Meanwhile, Esther noticed how miserable her son was. It hurt her heart to see him unhappy. All she ever wanted was for her kids to be happy. She knew taking Amara out of her son's life was the best decision. She didn't want to risk leaving them both together only for Amara or anyone else from her family hurt him like they hurt Henrik.

"Niklaus." She called out to her son, grabbing his attention.

She started chanting in Latin, pointing her arms towards her son. Klaus was extremely confused but he was too devastated to question what his mother was doing. He felt his head hurting and his vision getting blurry. As soon as she finished, she looked at her son who had passed out from the spell. After a while, Klaus had awoken and looked to see he was still in the same place.

"Mother, What happened?" He asked, holding onto his head.

"You were in such despair, you passed out." She said.

"Despair?" He asked, confused.

"What do you remember? Tell me everything you know." Esther said.

"I'm Niklaus Mikaelson. You are Esther Mikaelson. I have now three brothers, Finn, Elijah and Kol and one sister, Rebekah. Henrik was killed by wolves a few days ago. I was....I was doing something a while ago. What was I doing?" He asked himself, holding onto his head whilst he tried to think.

"Niklaus, do you have anyone in your life? A woman perhaps?" Esther asked.

Klaus looked at his mother before thinking. "No. I don't have anyone in my life."

"She cast a spell on me to forget you. That's why. That's why when I saw you, I couldn't remember you. I knew I could feel something towards you but I didn't know what it was but now I know. It was love. Esther may have made me forget you but she could never make me forget my feelings for you." Klaus said. "If only my mother was here now, I would rip her apart. She stole you from me for a thousand years. We could've married and had a family. She ruined it all."

Klaus felt himself getting angry. He should've left that day when his mother cast the spell. He shouldn't have stayed. He was so stupid.

"I'm sorry Amara. I let you down." Klaus sighed.

"No Niklaus." She said, holding his head with her hands. "It wasn't your fault. It was Esther's." Amara began to explain what really happened that day, explaining how his mother accused her of hurting him and then putting her to sleep. Everything Klaus was hearing angered him deeply. He knew his mother was lucky she was already dead because if she wasn't, he would've made sure she was.

"Niklaus, Esther is not here now. We can be together now." Amara said when she noticed her love's anger.

"What about Marcel?" Klaus said with slight jealousy in his tone.

"I told him I only love you and he understood. He's still hopelessly in love with Rebekah." She explained, making him roll his eyes. Klaus wasn't really a huge fan of Marcel and Rebekah being together. He didn't have anything against the vampire he saw as his son. He was just an overprotective brother to his sister. "Where did you go for three days? We were all worried."

"I had to clear my head. I went to the bayou. I wanted to go somewhere that I was comfortable with. I was born as a werewolf. They're still my kind. After getting all my memories of you back, I had to leave and piece everything together." Klaus said.

He got up and walked over to his drawer, opening it and pulling something out. It was a ring, that same ring he gave Amara all those years ago. Amara smiled when she saw it. She remembered the proposal like it was yesterday. It was one of the best days of her entire life.

"Over the years, I kept this ring. I didn't know why I had it but I knew it was special." Klaus said. He walked over to Amara and immediately got down on one knee, making Amara's hands cover her mouth as she watched. Was this really happening? Was all her dreams about to finally come true?

"I know this isn't very fancy or planned out but I don't care. I love you Amara, so so much. For the past one thousand years, I couldn't bring myself to be with any woman. Although I couldn't remember you, you were still somewhere in my heart. We spent a thousand years separated from each other and I don't want to spend another moment away from you. Amara Sinclair, will you be my wife? Will you marry me?"

Klaus looked at his blonde beauty with hope in his eyes. His heart was pounding out of his chest. He had never been so nervous before in his life.

Amara smiled as tears fell down her face before she nodded, bringing the biggest smile to Klaus' face. He slipped the ring on her finger whilst Amara gazed at it. The ring was still as beautiful as it was back then. Klaus got up and pulled his fiancé into a kiss, wrapping his arms tightly around her. No one was going to take her away from him again. He'd rather die than spend another day without her. Klaus pulled away from the kiss and began kissing her cheek, going all the way down to her jaw and neck. Amara closed her eyes, placing her hand on the back on his neck, holding his hair lightly as she leaned her head back, giving Klaus more access to her neck. She moaned slightly when she felt Klaus' fangs graze against her skin, butterflies filling her stomach. Klaus began kissing up to her face again before pulling away, his eyes filled with lust, adoration and love for the woman stood in front of him.

"I love you so much, Amara." He said.

"I love you too, my Niklaus." Amara said with a smile.

Klaus smiled and pressed his lips on hers before they both fell on top of the bed.

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