2- the Diner

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Cassian's POV

"This is the getaway car? Isn't it obvious you should've gotten something inconspicuous?" Sang asked, looking directly at Claire.

The car Claire bought is a little flashy. It's not like we can't afford it. The organization pays recruits once they're working on the field, apparently it cuts back on the amount of people trying to escape. The problem is that this is the kind of car people are going to pay attention to. The kind they're going to remember. When the organization sends people to look for us and they start asking around it's more likely people will be able to recall seeing our faces.

"I didn't want to buy a car I'm not going to use in the future," Claire said.

"You're not supposed to keep your getaway vehicles. That's basic organization training," I said.

Sang groaned. "You guys are going to drive me insane."

I walked up behind her and wrapped my arms around her shoulders. "I'm sorry, gorgeous."

She tilted her head back to meet my eyes. My heart thundered. "It's okay," she whispered. "I'm just stressed."

"We'll have to work with the car we have. We're not that far from Charleston. We can get a cheap car once we're there and keep this one hidden with one of Sang's friends," Amara declared, cheerfully.

Ever the optimist.

"North can probably hold on to it for us but if we have to pick up and leave again, you won't see it for a long while, Claire," Sang said, moving away form me and crawling into the driver's seat.

When we first became friends, Sang never mentioned she was in a relationship but after I questioned her about it, she told me everything. I had wanted something more with Sang but when she cried on my shoulder and told me how much she missed them, how scared she was that they wouldn't accept her after everything she'd done, I knew I didn't stand a change. Not unless I lied and told her that she was right, that there was no way her boys would want her back, but I can't do that. That would crush her, and I care more about her happiness than my own.

Sang's POV

My charm bracelet jingled as I put the car in park. I took a deep breath and looked up at Bob's Diner.

"Are you okay?" Amara asked, softly.

I pulled my hoodie up to shield my face. "Of course."

"We don't have to go in if you're not ready to bump into any of them," Cassian said. "We can eat somewhere else."

"Speak for yourself. I'm starving," Claire piped up from behind the backseat. "No offense, Sang."

"I swear it's fine. I'll have to face them at some point," I murmured.

Amara laid a gentle hand on my arm. "IF you're really sure."

I smiled in her direction. "I am."

It's true. I am ready to see them again. It's what I've wanted for the last three years. So why am I more nervous than excited?

Once we got out of the car, Claire started running towards the door and yelled, "Race you!"

I chuckled at her attempt to lighten the mood. She knew exactly what I needed.

The inside of the diner hadn't changed much. "Let's sit over here," I called out, heading towards my favorite booth.

"this is a cute restaurant," Amara said.

Claire nodded her head in agreement. "I know and these seats are so comfortable."

"All I care about is eating a greasy burger as soon as possible," Cassian said, glancing at the menu.

The organization had us on a diet so strict that not even North could complain about it. I was so focused on the thought of chocolate chip pancakes that I didn't even notice the waiter until he spoke.

"How can I help you today?" The familiar voice had me looking up quickly.

"Nathan," I gasped as his blue eyes met mine. 

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