4: Kanniballs (Rewritten!)

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[L1,2 or 3] represents the beginning of a flashback to one of Elena's past lives. There is more than one past life, which is why I have put up the numbers. Though, these memories are usually told as she sleeps and Elena herself cannot remember them.

[/L1,2 or 3] represents the end of a flashback to one of Elena's past lives.

[P] represents the beginning of a retelling of a memory in Elena's current life.

[/P] represents the end of a retelling of a memory in Elena's current life.

~3~ is just a time skip

AN: Enjoy the story!


"People of the Sadida, we are here to help you!" The villagers had all gathered at the bottom of the cliff that I stood atop, along with Amalia and the rest of her friends. Amalia stood at the forefront of the group, the rest of us at her sides, with Moon perched upon her shoulder. "Your high priest is an evil man, who is using you in his quest for power! Your true leader is Botan Ficus and contrary to what Saul has told you, he isn't dead! He'll soon be here, and now that we've ridden you of that bad apple Saul, you'll be able to resume normal lives!"

As she spoke, an ominous feeling loomed behind me and had me stiffen. With a slow turn, I took in where everyone was. There was Yugo to my right, who took in what Amalia had to say with an air of curiosity. On my left stood the rest of Yugo and Amalia's friends, not a person missing as they listened intently to Amalia's speech.

"This calls for a Sadida party!" Amalia finished with a shout and my attention reverted back to her.

At that moment, a sudden rush of static crawled along my skin, then- as though her words were cause for divine intervention- lightning struck the ground and black clouds materialized above us. The ground began to shake beneath us with enough force for the totem gate to crumble, which nearly knocked us all over. A flash of white light appeared out of nowhere and blinded me, and a sound similar to a crack of thunder and an explosion at the same time reverberated through the air with enough force to knock me off my feet.

There was a deafening ring in my ears. I couldn't see even though I knew my eyes were open. A sharp wind had begun to batter against my clothes and whip through my hair. But before I- or anyone- could recover, someone grabbed my arm and yanked me off my feet.

A cold hand had clamped around my neck and I cried out in alarm. An arm had snaked around my waist to keep me still against a bony chest, and the grip on my throat tightened painfully in response to my scream.

 With a tug on my wrists, my hands were forcefully pinned against my upper back and were kept there by a rough rope that tied the joints together. Suddenly, any chance of freeing myself went up in smoke. Panic washed over me as my vision came back and I was able to see what had happened.

Amalia and her friends had been knocked down to the ground, but were quick to get back onto their feet. Yugo was the only one who had yet to get up and Moon was beside him, hissing angrily in my direction. When I glanced up to see who had captured me, I felt myself freeze as I recognized their mask.

It looked happy, mouth frozen in a laugh and round eyes wide. White gobball fleece covered the wearer's head, but I knew already that this was the same person who had burned my original mask all those years ago.

A laugh built up in his chest before he let it out, the sound deranged and twisted. Then my eyes landed on a familiar object that this person held up proudly in their right hand, and my heart began to pound even louder in my ears. Tears pricked the corners of my eyes and I fought to hold them back as I struggled to be freed.

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