Chapter 39

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I walked over with Louis.

"I heard about you and ash" he said.using his hands.

"Yes,and?" I looked at him.

"Ash,didn't mean to break it of with you,he knew it wasn't your fault that Niall kissed you.he's really sorry"

"Does he think I'm a child?!if he wants me back he'll have to earn respect to get me back!and by the way,why isn't he saying this to me face to face?!" I raised my voice.

"I wanted to say this not him" he said looking down.

"I'm sorry" I said looking at him.

"okay?"he said.i walked of. I didnt really care about anything anymore. I wish i couldve just never come on this tour. i bumped into Annie.

"Hey Annie"


"Okayyyyy"i looked at Ash and smiled. Ash looked at me and smiled back but Michael spotted us. Mikey came up to me.

"Come here for a minute" He said walking to the bunks.

"What do you want?" I asked him in a soft voice.

"What are you doing?" He asked me.

"Im not doing any thing"

"yes you are, don't you think it hurts to see your little sister getten heart broken by the boy that im in a band with"

"I'm sorry, me and Ash havent talked all week, I know it wasnt Ash's or my fault that Niall kissed me but-" My phone bussed. i looked down to see a text of Ash

Ash: Hey Sarah, i know im stupid for letting you go, i know im a totall idiot, i know i shouldve looked at what happened before saying you kissed Niall, i know i messed up big time, i love you Sarah and theres nothing going to stop me. i know Michael is mad at me :( i'm sorry Sarah i did mess up, big time

Me: I'm sorry to, i shouldve never let Niall kiss me i know that now, could we just start this over again?

Ash: Sure thing. But there will have to be rules, 1.only tell the partener were there going and who there going with. make the person feel happy and warm inside and out and 3.Always be there!

Me: Sure thing Ashy Bashy, hey are you and Luke back friends?

Ash:Hell ya!

Me: kk 12 am meet me in the back of the lounge.

Ash: kk ;)

I put my phone back in my pocket and smiled.



12 am

i went into the lounge and saw Ash on the sofa. i sat down next to him.

"So ugh" I looked up to see him. We gazed into eachothers eyes. Back of my head was saying 'KISS HIM' i looked at him and smirked. He put his hand around my waist and planted his lips onto mine. He cupped his hands on my head. We started to make out.

9 am

i woke up next to ash on the sofa. I realised every one was awake and staring at us.

"Ash"i said shaking him.

"W-What?" He said in a early voice.

"Morning" Harry greated us.

"Hi, why are you guys staring at us?" Ash asked them.

"What happened last night?" Michael asked looking at me. i realised we were still in the lounge.

"Nothing much"He said trying to get awake. "Can you guys just give us a sec?" With in a second they all left.

"So um"i said looking at him.

"So us? A thing now?" He asked.

"Ya i think so" i said in a chirpy mood.

"So how you going to tell the fans?" I asked.

"Um i havent thought out that" He said giggling.

" i love it when you giggle"I said kissing him. I bit his lower lip making him moan quietly. I smile. I get up and get ready. I put on some trousers and a T-Shirt. I went into the main lounge and sat next to cal.

"Hi Calum" i said gretting him.

"Hey" he smiled at me."what happened last night?"he asked me.

"Nothing really" I sigh.

"No there is something going on"

"I swear there isn't" I lied.Calum rolled him eyes.

"Sure" he smirked at me. I rolled my eyes at him. We started to giggle.

*Ash's POV*

I saw Calum and Sarah giggle. I looked over at Niall and gave him a look that I've never gave anyone before. I looked away and went on my phone. I saw the #'s saying #ashkeepcuting #keepcuttingashyourtrash .I tried to stay calm. I shut my phone of and put it in my pocket. I sighed and looked at Sarah and smiled. She smiled back.

Hi its me!so there's a lot being going on so I'm sorry I'm sooooo inactive!plus sorry this is a v v v short chapter! BTW follow my Instagram @niallsblueeyez

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