Chapter 17

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Me and the guys sat on the couch and I started talking.

"guys its up to you,can we let Sarah stay with us?"

"well um guys we should do a vote everyone put there hands up to let Sarah stay"Luke said. Mostly everyone put there hands up except from Niall,no shock.

"so that's settled Sarah's staying,yay!I like Sarah" Luke cried. I texted Sarah saying hey Sarah your aloud to stay as long as you want :). hey want to come over and play some Sims 4.

"well in tired and we should get some sleep because we all ready missed our flight so come on"Louis said. so everyone went to bed and well I heard a knock at the door.

"come in"I said. Sarah was standing by the door.

" hey what's up"Sarah said.

"tomorrow were going on the plane and I will get you a free pass" I said

"thanks a lot"

"well want to play Sims with me?"

"sure what ever"Me and Sarah made each other and I went to the toilet.

                                                                                                                   *Sarah's POV*

I made mine and Ashton's characters flirt a bit but then he came out of the toilet. Ashton picked up the controller and started playing while I got up and went out side to get some fresh air. I opened the door and walked out of Ashton's room and went out side. when I was out side I saw Michael come put out side as well as me.

" hey are you okay Sarah?"Michael asked.

"ya I'm fine"

"cool well I'm not saying any thing but do you like Ashton?"

"NO NO! why would you ask that question any way!?"

"no I'm just asking I'm sorry that I've made this very awkward"

"no you haven't its just,I came on the bus to meet you guys I didn't know all of this would happen. Me being FRIENDS with you guys its just mind blowing"

"oh well I just wanted to say Ashton has been going throught a lot of stuff lately so"

"so what?"

"don't question him about his family especially Lauren"

"who's Lauren?"

"his dead sister so"

"OMG I feel awful"

"well were going on a plane tomorrow so you can sit next to Ashton if you want"


"well its cold out here so I might go inside so see you tonight"

"what's happening tonight?"

"were having a meeting"

"oh see ya"

"bye" Michael walked off and me right behind him. I got to Ashton's door and opened it to find Ashton asleep on the sSarahI texted Michael saying hey its me um about the thing tonight Ashton has fell asleep so in a bit you might want to wake him up because your sharing a room with him so see ya. Sarah.

I'm sorry my story is a bit messed up I didn't realise I haven't published chapter 13

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