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D E V I L ' S    P L A Y   !❝  chapter two  ❞

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D E V I L ' S P L A Y   !
  chapter two 

D E V I L ' S    P L A Y   !❝  chapter two  ❞

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(  SEX & PLEASURE  )—  down on your knees, sweetie

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—  down on your knees, sweetie.

IT WAS HARD TO RESIST when she had the world wrapped around her pretty little pinky. Angel knew what she was doing. She was clever. Too clever. A goddess that could manipulate anyone with her little tricks up her sleeves. Just a few honey coated words and a little feathery touches up your back, and you would have fallen for her typical facade. So once she had her eyes locked on her next prey, it was end game. You were end game.

He was quite pleasing to look at. A face sculpted by no other than the prodigy of all arts himself, and perhaps down there seemed to match just as much confidence that dripped from his energy. Angel wasn't one to admit such things, but deep down, she couldn't deny the fact that he was quite the looker. She couldn't even look at her own customer when the stranger from across the room had a certain look in those eyes. Angel smiled as she sucked her customer's tongue beneath the neon lights. She never took her eyes away from the stranger, and quite frankly, neither did he.

"Angel, why don't you pay attention to me?", chuckled her customer as he gripped onto her ass.

What was his name again? Oh, that's right. Oikawa Tooru. The grade A celebrity model that just happened to be a loyal customer to the Underworld, and a man who had dedicated most of his one night stands with Angel. It wasn't like she disliked him, after all, he had a pocket full of cash and that itself sounded pleasant to her ears. Sure, he was loaded, and had a pretty boy look plastered on his Vogue looking face. But when she had her eyes on someone else, a stranger, it was hard to pay attention to her customer's needy desires.

Angel scoffed as she straddled her legs around his hips, just enough to rub her womanhood against his burning crotch. She shoved her tongue deep inside the crevices of his vodka flavoured mouth, but her eyes were wide open. She looked at the stranger dead in the eye; a seductive look that sent a pleasurable shiver up his spine. The stranger carved a smirk as he leaned against the wall with a cigar hanging in between his teeth. Angel ignored him briefly, then ran her fingers through her customer's unruly hair before tugging it back as Oikawa groaned from her sudden rough play.

"I'm bored, let's take a break. I'll play with you when you come by next time."

Oikawa chuckled, "You're always doing whatever you want even though I'm paying you?"

"Does it matter, when you're always crawling back to me like the little good boy you are?"

The young stripper painted a smile that looked a lot more cunning when Oikawa peered a little closer. She skimmed her fingers across his half open lips before entering a private room at the back of the booming strip club. Angel side glanced at the stranger momentarily, and the look of hunger and lust in his eyes did not go unnoticed by the woman. Bingo. The first step in all her messy games was to lure her prey inside her trap. Call it sex or pleasure, but it was one that could never win against the human nature's sinful desires.

"Couldn't get enough of me?", she spoke as she leaned her back against the wall.

"How could I when this woman is practically begging for me?"

He walked inside as if he owned the room, and had a smirk imprinted across his god awfully attractive face. The stranger leaned against the doorframe then watched the woman creeping a little closer to him. She took a step, then another, then a couple of more steps—just enough for her lips to almost meet his. Angel took a hold of his cigar from his mouth before taking a long drag just to blow a grey cloud into his face. She was quite bold, and became even more bold when she locked the door behind him with a confident smile on her face.

"You say that but you still came looking for me."

The stranger chuckled, "And if I did? I can't possibly leave a woman alone when she's secretly thinking about me fucking her senselessly."

Angel scoffed, "You sure are cocky."

"Well baby, am I wrong?"

The stranger shoved his tongue in between her teeth; tasting the flavour of her strawberry and minty saliva as he pushed her down against the bed. The kiss didn't last that long, and neither were the clothes that were once on their heated bodies. He stripped her fully until she was naked in the sheets before sliding his tongue down from her neck to her chest. Angel moaned then arched her back as she clawed his broad shoulders, dragging long, thin lines that resembled the claw marks of a tiger.

"Look at you, already wet just for me", he spoke as he dug his fingers deep inside.

He was quite strong. Angel wanted to flip him over but she couldn't when the man had pinned her wrists above her head. The woman moaned then muttered a string of colourful words under her breath when she felt her entrance being invaded by something much more larger than she had anticipated for. He was ruthless, vicious and cold. A man that could rival a greek god. Yet, he was just stranger. She didn't even know him—not even his name.

And perhaps, that might have
been a foolish mistake.

And perhaps, that might havebeen a foolish mistake

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