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D E V I L ' S    P L A Y   !❝  chapter six  ❞

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D E V I L ' S    P L A Y !
chapter six

D E V I L ' S    P L A Y   !❝  chapter six  ❞

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(  PRETTY LIAR  )—  you're speaking bullshit to my ears

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— you're speaking bullshit to my ears.

CLASSES FELT LIKE HELL whenever his lingering gaze pierced into her soul. Atsumu had a smooth voice to listen to, but if you heard it carefully, you might have picked up a slightly venomous tone laced around his voice. Angel knew that. She could hear it. She hated his cunning, tricky voice that spoke words of poison and candy all at once. But just like the facade he had masked upon his charming face, Angel was no different. After all, the two of them lived a double life where the moon would laugh at their deceitful lies.

Because lying was easy. Angel could lie to the whole world with that million dollar worth of a pretty smile plastered on her face. As long as you knew how to lie for the blinded fools in the crowd, then lying was an easy game for a manipulative fox. But despite being a liar and a demon herself, it seemed as though when it comes to him, lying became a matter of a life and death situation. Because when you're battling between two liars, the only thing that mattered comes down to the most convincing tongue.

"You seem rather unwell today. Did you get a good night's rest?", Atsumu asked with a cynical chuckle.

Angel lied through her teeth, "Yes I did, thank you for your concern, sir."

Angel almost gagged at the word "thank you" but she held it back as she faked a smile towards her professor. There was a rotten feeling that began to bubble in the bottom of her stomach—a familiar one that became far too strong when her fury of flames growled in her soul. How the fuck was she going to get through her last remaining years left of college when her own professor wasn't being subtle about their mistakes? She couldn't predict the future, but something about it told her that it wasn't going to be a pleasant one either.

"Sir, may I speak to you after class?"

"Of course, anything for my precious student."

There was a slight furious flush burning beneath her cheeks but she brushed it off and awaited for the busy classroom to be empty. Angel made her way to the door, then locked it after the students had left the room. She eyed Atsumu from the corner of her eyes with a distasteful look in those pupils, and it became a lot more noticeable for the professor when she furrowed her brows with her arms crossed. Angel approached him slowly then sat on the edge of his desk.

"Are you asking for a death wish?", she asked sarcastically.

"Not exactly, lovey. You just humour me."

"So this whole thing is just a game to you?"

Atsumu smiled, "That maybe so."

Angel would have loved to see his cheeks beaten black and blue but she refrained from doing so. Instead she traced her eyes down from his pretty face to his crotch; seeing how hard it looked was quite amusing for her. Angel smiled then palmed his manhood as she felt the sudden throb burning beneath his suddenly too tight pants. She could see the slightest man pride being torn, shredded and broken into pieces, and his unpleasant expression that was worn on his face was a pleasant one indeed.

It was priceless. When his usual confident grin had been robbed by a pathetic, submissive look in those eyes—it made Angel feel like a god. There was a slight smile creeping onto her face as she tugged onto his pants just to pull him closer. Atsumu grunted then watched the woman getting down on both her knees with her fingers already touching his most sensitive spots. His aching cock twitched in the open air as he felt her thumb rubbing dangerous circles and circles and circles around the tip of his lengthy dick.

"Were you hard when you looked at me in class? That's pretty pathetic of you", she spoke as her tongue slid down to the base of his dick.

Atsumu chuckled but the humour had left his wicked tone, "Say that again, but you and I both know how much you want to be choked on my cum."

The professor groaned when he thrust his cock down the walls of her tight throat. Angel struggled to breathe when he cut her breath short with his ferocious thrust. He had ruthlessly destroyed her potty mouth in such a way, she had almost forgot her own name when she looked at him with her half opened, teary eyes. He looked like a King. Angel had no idea that someone like him could ever make her knees go shaky. She didn't want to admit it, but his dark, sinister look in his eyes was enough for her panties to be drenched.

Angel could feel something wet beginning to drip in between her thighs, and something about him face-fucking her out of breath as she choked on his cock was making her feel some type of way. She dwelled in the unknown and without even realising it, she had fallen off the edge of the world. Atsumu fastened the pace as a string of milky cream poured into the crevices of her mouth. She coughed then gulped it down as she looked up to see Atsumu and his cunning smirk. It seemed as though she was right after all. They were both two liars stuck inside a web of lies.

"Good girl, now strip."


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