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D E V I L ' S    P L A Y   !❝  chapter five  ❞

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D E V I L ' S P L A Y   !
  chapter five 

D E V I L ' S    P L A Y   !❝  chapter five  ❞

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(  FRUSTRATION  )—  i'll make you feel good

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—  i'll make you feel good.

HE WAS AN ABOMINATION to put it in simpler terms. A living, breathing, physical form of a nightmare stuck inside her head. She might have had her tongue shoved inside the mouth of some random stranger, but her mind was in another place far from where she was currently from. She just couldn't stop thinking about him, and the thought about his stupidly attractive face had scarred the back of her head in the most absurd way.

"Get on your knees", Kuroo demanded.

Angel was awfully obedient today. On most nights, she would spend her time as a brat or a more dominant player in the sheets, but it seemed as though tonight had a sudden change. She looked like a completely different person. When she got on both her knees with her mouth slurping around the girth of his lengthy dick, it was quite surprising to witness. Not that he was complaining though. Kuroo tugged onto her hair then face-fucked her like the brat she was as he felt his cream flooding deep inside the back of her throat.

"You seem to be zoned out today", Nejire spoke as her fingers played with Angel's womanhood.

Kuroo chuckled breathlessly, "Maybe we should punish this little brat, hm?"

The older man pulled her hair back as she coughed and choked on his cum; it dripped onto the floor mixed with her saliva and tears. Kuroo carved a mischievous smirk across his face then pushed her down against the king sized bed with a cynical chuckle. Angel had no idea that this night would turn completely upside down, but a quick change was quite refreshing too. After all, being the one to receive it all by two attractive people was quite delicious to her mind.

Angel dragged her nails down from his back as it left a long red trail etched across his skin. He groaned then sucked her chest with his tongue flicking around her nipples. Nejire, however, had her long slender fingers shoved inside Angel's tight hole as she pummelled her way deep inside her drenched core. She began to quicken her pace with each hard thrust and added another finger, then another, then another until all three fingers had reached her most pleasurable spot.

"AH! I'm almost—!"

"Oh no, not yet baby Angel, not yet", Nejire hushed to her ears as she pulled her fingers out.

"You can't cum now when my cock isn't even inside you yet."

Kuroo threw her legs up against his broad shoulders, ensuring that her wet cunt was exposed for everyone to see. He slapped his dick against her thighs before thrusting it deep inside her hole without giving a single warning. Angel couldn't even breathe as she tasted the sudden flavour of strawberry and rum when Nejire slipped her tongue inside her mouth. She arched her back from the immense pleasure, both from his cock that bruised her insides and from Nejire's fingers that sketched circles around her throbbing, pink clit.

"M—more! Please!", Angel moaned as her teary eyes were half open.

She hadn't felt this submissive in a while, it almost hurt her pride but it wasn't a bad thing. It just felt too good. Angel gasped for whatever little air was left in this room as a sudden tingling feeling began to invade every inch in the most ruthless manner. Nejire had stuck a vibrator up inside her hole, and the sensation lingered longer when she shoved it deep inside. She could feel both the vibrations scattering in between the walls of her tight hole, and the pounding hard thrusts from Kuroo. It pleasured her entirely as she mewled and trembled when her two sex partners overstimulated her body.


Her moans echoed in between the walls of the room as Angel gasped a loud final cry. She felt it coming soon when her thighs quivered and dangled over his broad shoulders. Kuroo pulled out as a string of cum squirted across her sweat covered skin. She felt the buzzing vibrations turned off, along with a sloppy trail of butterfly kisses imprinted by the lips of Nejire. The night felt long yet short when the three of them had tainted their lustful souls with sinful desires, but there was no regrets lingering in the air.

"So, what was on your mind this whole time?", Kuroo asked as he wiped the cum stains off from her skin.

"Are you seriously gonna ask me that after sex?"

Nejire giggled, "Well you seemed quite bothered tonight, baby Angel."

Angel sighed, then sprawled her arms and legs across the bed. She didn't think that one single man could ever trigger her this much. Especially being a woman who had the entire world resting upon her hands—Angel wasn't the type to get frustrated over a stupid rat. But god knows what fate had in planned for her twisted, double edged life. Because the way Atsumu got her pretty little ballerina feet tipping on the edge of the Earth, made her feel out of breath and out of words. Angel chuckled but her laughter did not seem to meet her gloomy eyes.

"Honestly, he might just be the end of me."


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