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D E V I L ' S    P L A Y   !❝  chapter seven  ❞

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D E V I L ' S    P L A Y !
chapter seven

D E V I L ' S    P L A Y   !❝  chapter seven  ❞

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(  LOVE INTERESTS  )—  join the heartbroken club

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— join the heartbroken club.

SHE WANTED TO BURY herself six feet under the Earth's dirt just to scream in her grave. Angel hadn't felt weak in ages, not after the incident from a few years ago, and the thought of it alone sent a cold shiver down her spine. She was currently in the cafeteria; munching her milk bread away with a grim looking expression painted onto her face. Angel couldn't seem to match the warm atmosphere. If it weren't for her unfortunate, lustful meeting with the professor, she wouldn't have felt like this.

"You look shit today", Bakugou stated without a single stutter.

Angel forced a smile, "Thanks gremlin."

Bakugou Katsuki had been a close friend since day one of high school. If fire and water were real people, then Angel and Bakugou had embodied its entire existence. He had a soul that could rival hellfire, and yet he raged against water in the most conflicting nature. Their relationship dynamic had been one of the most complexing mysteries in this world, and because of that, it had been the very reason that pulled these two opposite souls like the Ying Yang symbol.

He might have had a potty mouth created out of pure malice and venom, but he had a sweet spot on his tongue just for her—even if it was the slightest drop of sweetness. Bakugou glanced at her from the corner of his eyes; he could the obvious gloom shadowing over her face. The others might have not seen it, but at least for Bakugo, he had a keen eye for Angel. The young female looked at him, then beamed a abrupt smile that covered her sour expression. There was a sudden spark that ignited an explosive dynamite to burst beneath his skin. It felt so dangerous, it was beginning to suffocate him entirely.

"Dumbass, you look better when you smile", he grumbled under his breath.

Angel tilted her head, "Is the King Explosion Murder finally admitting that I'm pretty?"

"Fuck off, I did not."

"Is that a blush I see?", cackled Tsukishima.

"Watch your mouth, or I'll knock your teeth out."

The other blonde carved a smirk as he leaned back against his chair. He was a well known prodigy in the science engineering department, or otherwise known as Tsukishima Kei. A diamond in the rough with a nasty, cocky attitude and a tongue that could spill vicious words. He could make a little girl cry with one cold look in those golden eyes, and could make any professor scream out of frustration. Angel, however, was able to tolerate his sarcastic attitude and perhaps, she already had a leash around his collar.

Tsukishima glanced at the female, "By the way, there's some guy waiting for you at the front entrance. His name was. . . Overhaul, I think?"

Angel almost choked on her bread as Tsukishima gave her a suspicious look. She gritted her teeth as a spark of disgust and fury ignited in her eyes like a burning fire raging behind her pupils. Hearing his name did not sound pleasant to her ears, and it certainly didn't fix the rotten feeling that began to make her stomach churn in all sorts of directions. She felt her intestines pulling and squeezing her organs in such a way, it almost felt as though her guts had spilled out from her tummy.

She looked anxious. Bakugo could see it. He could see through her whether he liked it or not. After all, when it came to her, Bakugo knew her too well. He studied the foreign expression displayed onto her face, and the sight of her miserable gloom did not go unnoticed by him. He didn't want to admit it, but he would be lying if he told himself that he wasn't the slightest worried. Because ever since the tragedy happened, it had always been the biggest downfall for Angel. Bakugo furrowed his brows as he watched the young female's hesitant foot steps.

"I thought everything was okay now."

There wasn't even an ounce of warmth left in his tone, and hearing his dry voice sounded uncomfortably empty. The two of them had left the cafeteria, but somehow, being together had made the atmosphere rather heavy. Angel stood still; she wanted to move but her feet begged for her to stay. She didn't even notice the way her ankles had suddenly ached, or the way her palms had turned slightly sweaty, but Bakugou knew. He could almost predict her moves and thoughts and yet, he couldn't seem to understand her either.

She chuckled but her laughter did not seem to match her eyes, "You're overthinking it."

"Don't lie to me."

"Seriously, it's okay. I just need to discuss some things with someone. I'll see you tomorrow."

Angel had left just as easy as it sounded, but the way she looked in those eyes became unbearable for Bakugou. He didn't like it. It felt like a slap to his cheeks when she spoke those words as if it meant nothing, but he knew it wasn't just 'nothing', it was so much more. Didn't she know? Bakugou had always felt this way for years. He knew that he shouldn't have, but somehow, in the back of his twisted mind quaked a tiny voice that screamed and echoed in his head. It screeched so loudly, he could feel a throbbing pang to his soul. Bakugou sighed as he looked up to the pale sky.

Ah, one sided crushes were the worst.

Ah, one sided crushes were the worst

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