ミ 013

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"but why ? jisoo is such a nice and caring girl..." he asked

flashback to 8 years ago.

the suho 8 years ago wasn't called suho. suho was just his stage name and his real name was junmyeon.

"junmyeonie , you missed me so soon ?" the always cheerful jisoo asked him with a bright smile on her face.

"jisoo yah ... i think , we--" he was cut off by jisoo.

"we ? hmm... should move in together ? should get married ? no wait we cant get married... haizz sometimes i just wish that we are normal humans and not trainees from companies..." she frowned and continued her talk

he couldn't bring himself to break up with her. after all , they had spent 5 years supporting one another , always being there for each other.

"lets break up." he said coldly which made her stay silent

"why ? all of a sudden. did i do something wrong ?"

it was just how typical females would think when the male initiates the breakup. i mean , she is jisoo , she is the most innocent and purest soul you could probably ever find. she would definitely blame herself for their break up.

"i may get the chance to debut and if my company finds out about us , i may lose this chance." he explained.

to every trainee , they would always fight for the chance. most companies debuts a group every 5 to 6 years. some even 8 years.

the trainees work hard day and night , just to practice harder and harder , then get criticize by the public when they debut.

winning the debut spot wasn't easy in the first place. he was just one step away from debuting and he wanted to make sure that its all right and nothing stops him from doing so.

he left jisoo alone heartbroken at the cafe reluctantly.

he clearly knew that jisoo would be sitting there till the cafe closes but he had to do this.

he had to get that debut spot.


months after their break up , junmyeon had debuted with his stage name called suho , being a leader in a group called exo under sm entertainment.

sm entertainment is one of the biggest companies in korea which means that the audience anticipating their group would be much more higher.

meanwhile jisoo , was still training hard under yg. she has been a trainee for almost 5 years. her life was all about monthly assesment , weekly evaluation , writing her own lyrics , making her own choreography.

nevertheless , she had jennie , rosé and lisa with her.

they have been with her thru her breakup journey and her trainee journey.

until 3 years later , she has finally debuted.

along with jennie , rosé and lisa , she was announced as the third member of blackpink which made her gain many fans quickly. not only because of her visuals , but also because of her endorsements.

she has endorsed with actor lee minho and ikon before. she was also in epik high's spoiler + happy ending mv. her acting skills made netizens wonder who she was.

but there would still be criticism. netizens called her fat , ugly , the useless visual. haters thought that she was in blackpink because of her visuals , not her dance skills.

she didnt mind. not a single bit mattered to her. even when blackpink won their first music show award.

but when suho appeared infront of her for the first time in 4 years , she was afraid , shocked ? maybe.

she didnt know that she would see suho again, after so long.

she ran back home to ms lee and shared with ms lee her day , but ended up earning a shaking head by ms lee.

(a/n note that this chapter is a flashback in a flashback. we are still in taehyung's flashback on how he met jisoo.)

word count : 632

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