ミ 022

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this is a repeat of 001 and 002 but taehyung / author's pov

and if you didnt know, they were at taehyung's mansion.

ending the night with a blast, taehyung werent able to sleep. all he did was looking at her.

as time passes, jisoo woke up at 3 am due to the pain in her private area and hunger which taehyung quickly shut his eyes. she turned around and look at taehyung who was hugging her waist and she caressed his shoulders .

"good morning baby" taehyung said in his deep husky voice while his eyes are close

"good morning" jisoo said while giving him a peck on his lips

"are you okay?" taehyung asked jisoo in a concern voice. he probably went too hard yesterday.

"what do you think ? you were big as fuck and it still hurts right now"

"but i know you like it baby"

jisoo's face flushed red when she heard taehyung's words

"bigger the better , and you like that" he gave her a wink

taehyung heard jisoo's stomach grumble

"you hungry ?"

"um yeah , lets just get up and cook"

jisoo tried to get up but failed . she fell on the floor, earning a evil laughter from him.

"is that so funny ? its because of you ! so now daddy , please help me up"

taehyung was turn on when he heard taehyung call his favourite nickname and he started to smirk


taehyung helped jisoo down to the kitchen as she was limping and she took out the ingredients for cooking - pancake

it took jisoo 15 minutes to cook but in this 15 minutes , taehyung kept blabbering or should we say concern about her , but she just found him too noisy

first minute : "are you sure you wanna cook?"
fifth minute : " you aren't feeling pain there anymore?"
tenth minute : "are you sure you are okay?"
fifteenth minute : "ah i see kim jisoo , trying to make daddy's pants here tight and play hard to get . i see ... we would continue it later then"

jisoo almost spat the water she was drinking into the frying pan

"n-no im f-fine but it k-kind of h-hurts but i-im okay"

taehyung chuckled upon hearing jisoo's stuttering words.

'cute.' he thought

being the caring boyfriend he was , taehyung decided to not think about it anymore as he knew that he would hurt jisoo and he didnt want it to happen

jisoo brought the pancake to the table where taehyung was sitting at

"baby , can we shower together later ?"

jisoo thought that taehyung has some dirty thoughts and rejected him right away


taehyung knew what jisoo was thinking and laughed at her

"i just want to clean you up . what are you think of ?"

jisoo's cheeks flush red when she heard taehyung

"uh , im done eating"

she got up from the chair and limped towards the basin before proceeding back to taehyung's room

idol's love ; vsoo ✔️Where stories live. Discover now