; 第二 ⌇mental breakdown

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"do you want me to send you home? or back to your dorm"

taehyung asked jisoo as they stepped out of his mansion. he personally owns one and usually spends his time there with jisoo since her apartment wasn't really filled with the positive vibes.

"send me back home. i don't want to meet jennie "

its not that she hates jennie, but she felt that jennie is being favoured by yg. even rosé and lisa feel it.

taehyung knows how jisoo feels, especially after the addidas event.

(a/n : im so fucking mad at addidas istg . just look at their commeracial . jisoo has barely 5 secs of screen time . but im not blaming any of the members fyi )

taehyung just nodded his head in silence. he wanted to help her out and get her out of the 'dungeon', but he can't. netizens were hating jisoo for dating him already. its not that jisoo is unaware of it, but its just that she didn't bother to make her sad by reading the malicious comments.

"can you come in?"

they had arrived at the doorstep of jisoo's mansion and he just nodded in silence. he knew that jisoo wasn't feeling alright.

she hardly spoke to him in this manner and judging by her looks, shes gonna have a mental breakdown soon and he wanna be with her through this.

they went into jisoo's mansion and she walked towards her room . she closed the door behind her and squat in her 'crying corner', hugging her knees with her head hung down.

taehyung, who still doesn't know anything , is in the kitchen getting a cup water for jisoo just in case she gets thirsty.

just typical boyfriend material tae. which was also why jisoo chose to stay with him despite all the hatred and death threats shes been receiving.

he slowly went up to jisoo's room and wanted to turn the door knob but he heard jisoo crying her heart out.

he felt useless. he didn't want to see or even hear her like this. she knew she was suffering internally, badly.

she was suffering from the mistreatment her company gave, she was suffering from all the hate comments on her instagram post from his fans, and most importantly, hate comments from her fans. its embarrassing that it came from her own fandom, blinks. the solo stans calls jisoo , the untalented visual and blackpink's blackhole.

"jisoo? can i come in?" jisoo usually doesn't cry infront of anyone, not even taehyung, so he just asked her politely. if she rejects, he would just sit outside of her room and wait for her.

there has been many times whereby jisoo broke down, but taehyung wasn't allowed into her room.

the first time she broke down and stayed in her room, taehyung got so worried that he dashed into her room but only got shouted at for not respecting her so called privacy. which taehyung, actually understand it. she felt guilty after a few hours and apologized to taehyung.

he would usually just ask her politely like this and if she doesn't allow , he would just sit outside . but this time to his surprise, jisoo actually let him in .

it wasn't the first time he went into jisoo's room , he had been in her room many times. cuddling, dating, and of course, making love with protection obviously. but he wasn't a big fan of her house since it usually give off negative energy.

taehyung loved jisoo dearly that they have been dating for 3 years and no one, not even their members knew, until dispatch exposed them.

"jisoo yah, are you okay ?" taehyung spoke as he step into her dark room , placing the cup of water on her desk. she usually live here rather than in the dorm with her other members and this is the setting of her room.


yes , jisoo is a cheerful person. but at the same time , shes a human too . she has her own emotions but she just doesn't show it out. she miss her family dearly, especially her niece hayul, but she can't meet them.

"taehyungie, i can't breath. i wanna stop all this . i hate myself." jisoo pleaded, feeling breathless due to all the crying.

taehyung's heart hurt when he sees her girlfriend like this . he truly wants to help him , even if it means getting hated on

a/n : im serious . we shld stop all this hating on kpop idols just because they are dating someone . we need gender equality in our society which we clearly lack of it . idols are humans too . they have feelings too

word count : 680

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