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in his best disguise, taehyung headed striaght for the ceo's room, not knowing why but purely following his instincts.

he saw rosé and lisa pacing up and down along an end of the corridor which was at least 30 meters away from the ceo's office uneasily and immediately went to them.

"wheres jisoo." he spoke, worriedness could be heard in his voice.

as rosé was about to reply taehyung, but heard jennie shouting for rosé and lisa's help, not knowing that taehyung has arrived.

something wasnt right and he sprung right towards the ceo's office, hoping that he would be in time.

but he was too late. jisoo had a cut in her throat and has fallen onto the ground. if the cut has gone deeper, she would have died on the spot.

"jisoo!" he shouted, trying to alert her that he is here and not let her fall into deep slumber as he stood beside rosé and lisa, who were also lost for words at that moment.

by instincts, he pushed jennie away to run towards jisoo and carried her in his arms, tears slowly welling up in his beady eyes.

"jisoo! wake up! dont sleep! you cant possibly leave me alone here."

jisoo was weak at the moment but was determined to speak to him.

"t-taehyungie, is that you?"

taehyung just nodded quietly as tears overtook his eyes and trickled down his rosy cheeks.

"s-sorry taehyung, sorry for being a bad girlfriend but you do know that i love you right? if, if i lea-" jisoo was cut off by taehyung before she could finish her sentence.

"no jisoo NO, you would not leave me and i would make sure that you would stay with me."

"taehyung, the paramedics are here, let them put her on the stretcher." jennie interrupted.

the road from the yg building to the hospital was longer than usual.

"the patients's heartbeat is getting lower, prepare for operation now." the doctor instructed as they pushed her into the operating theatre.

taehyung tried entering but was stopped by a nurse.

"um , mr kim taehyung ?"

the nurse was surprised to see taehyung in such a messy state. messy hair, tears stained cheeks. she was his fan, a loyal and hard stan , but she knew who was inside and she stayed professional.


its 12 midnight right now and the operation has been going on for 2 hours.

instead of the doctor , the nurse came out.

"hi mr kim , the patient is currently in critical danger and she is pregnant at the moment. please make a decision whether you would want to keep the baby or the patient. and of course , we would try to save both if possible."

he couldn't make the decision. he was still trying to process the fact that she is pregnant. he started to recall the times she vomited and all the weird food cravings she had. he didn't thought of her being pregnant because he thought he used protection but recalled the last time they did,

he knew that jisoo would be mad at him if she knew that shes pregnant and had to kill her baby to stay alive , but what mattered more to him , was her.

"i-i'll choose , t-the patient."

it was a hard choice. other than knowing jisoo would be mad at him, it was his first child or rather children and he didnt want to end their life. but if saving jisoo means killing his children, he would do it.

though, its heartbreaking.

word count : 592

remember to stay healthy and hydrated, if you need anyone to talk to, i am always here for you !!

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