Catching Up

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Paul arrived home shortly after Sally had finished cooking. She looked up and gave her husband a smile which he returned. Annabeth's heart twisted in her chest; Luke had once looked at her like that.

"Honey, I wasn't expecting to see Percy tonight," Paul said.

Percy stood up. "I'm sorry we arrived unannounced, but Annabeth has fled the palace."

Paul's eyes flickered to Annabeth and he nodded. The entire family gathered in the kitchen for dinner. They ate bread baked freshly from the oven with goat cheese, spinach, leeks, and olives. "These are some of the best olives I've had," Annabeth said.

"Olives are what made Athens rich," Sally said with a smile. "Their oil is used for cooking, lighting, and cosmetics all across the empire."

      Annabeth looked at the black olive she had perched between two fingers. How could something so small turn into what was essentially liquid gold? It was a marvel. She finished her dinner with a greater appreciation for the humble fruit.

       "You must be tired, dear," Sallly said as she started washing dishes. "Why don't you sit down or play with my daughter?"

     Paul was looking a papyrus scroll and frowning. Estella and Percy were playing together with three of Estella's clay figurines. Whenever she saw the little girl, Annabeth's heart ached for her own child. Estella appeared to be a toddler — only a year or two older than her precious Frederick.

     "Can I help you?" Annabeth asked instead.

      She had never washed dishes before, but Sally showed her how. Annabeth was much slower, but she enjoyed the strain of her arm muscles and the welcome distraction that dishwashing offered. When they finished, Sally led Annabeth to where the rest of the family was relaxing.

      "Have you all heard the news?" Sally asked.

    Annabeth and Percy exchanged glances. They had avoided speaking to many people or stopping often during their travels. Sally noticed their look. "Well, I'm sorry to break it to you, but I was shocked when you came. You see: the dowager empress has pronounced you dead."

    Annabeth stood up in shock and a cry escaped her lips. "She what?"

     Sally gave her a sympathetic glance. "We heard the news about a week ago that you and your family were killed by worshippers of Zeus. Since then, she has been executing anyone who follows the old religion."

     Annabeth's tanned face paled. "What else?"

     It was Paul who spoke next, setting his papers scroll aside. "Your brother, Bobby, has been declared emperor."

      "He's only a child!" Annabeth said. "Helen is probably ruling through him! I just don't get it. Why — why would she say I'm dead?"

        Sally laid a hand on Annabeth's shoulder. "So if you come forward, you can be killed as an imposter."

     Annabeth stomach heaved and she clutched it, trying to steady herself. She had always prided herself on her intelligence, but it now seemed to be that Helen possessed more.

      "I know it's hard," Sally said. "I lost a husband too before, but it doesn't have to end now. You may not be an empress, but you still have a chance at making yourself another life."

     Annabeth didn't argue, but already the wheels in her mind were formulating another plan to get back her throne.


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