Dreams and Daybreak

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    Annabeth woke up troubled by dreams. They weren't nightmares — in fact they were pleasant and that made it all the worst. Why was she dreaming of Percy laying with her? Was God testing her faithfulness to Luke? Why would God do such a thing?

She rolled over and tried to get back to sleep, but guilt kept her awake. She had been in love with Luke since she was seven and he had welcomed her into his father's home. He had taught her how to ride and horse and she had taught him how to mend his clothes. He had comforted her whenever her father's dispassionate letters arrived and she had been there for him when his mother's madness was too much to handle.

       It still seemed strange that the world could exist without Luke and Frederick in it. They had been such a huge part of her world that Annabeth had forgotten they were only two souls in a vast empire. Important — yes — but to who besides herself? Maybe it didn't matter anyway because they were the only family she had ever known and her feelings for Percy felt traitorous.

     Yet, Percy had shown himself to be just as kind as Luke. He was loyal and brave. He and Jason had surely saved her life by arriving and he had volunteered to accompany her. It was he who had thought to flee to Greece and he who had given her another home. Yes, he wasn't Luke, but Percy never tried or pretended to be anything besides the loyal, brave, and handsome Seaweed Brain that he was.

       Annabeth's thoughts were such as this until she noticed that the sun had risen. She prodded Percy awake. "You drool in your sleep."


They left the inn about an hour after sunrise. It was harvest season now and the city was bustling with life. The sound of carts rolling, dogs barking, kids shouting, and people bartering filled the air. As she traveled down these streets, Annabeth saw a side to Constantinople that she never knew. There was beauty and ugliness side by side — opulent wealth next to stricken poverty.

"When I regain my throne, I will change this," Annabeth vowed.

"How?" Jason asked, thinking of how his mother had exposed him to save money.

"I'll build many monuments and churches," Annabeth said. "The construction of each will create well-paid jobs. I'll also support more covenants as the Church does a lot of charity work."

Percy looked at Annabeth in approval. She seemed to have a solution to every problem. Jason nodded; it had worked in Egypt, he had heard, so why not here? Only Piper remained unconvinced. Sure, Annabeth's plans would help many freemen, but what of the countless slaves whose labors went unpaid? Her only hope laid in the small chance she was freed or in the afterlife. Sometimes, it seemed like death would come sooner.

      Annabeth stopped outside of the palace. She felt a mixture of thrill and fear course through her blood. This was it; the next phase of her plan was about to begin.

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