The Discussion

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     Percy followed Annabeth into her chambers and they settled on the floor cross-cross applesauce. The kiss they had shared minutes ago still flitted in their minds like butterflies dancing from one blooming flower to the next. "How was your trip to Greece?" Annabeth asked.

      Percy smiled. "It was good. I think your brothers shall like my mother. They certainly enjoyed her blue loukoumades."

     Annabeth laughed and Percy noticed how her face lit up like a gem that had been cut and polished. "Remember what you told me after our first kiss?" Percy asked.

      Annabeth stuck out her tongue. "You drool in your sleep."

     Percy laughed. "Well, your brothers do too."

     "Percy, I want to thank you," Annabeth said. "There is no one whose loyalty I trust as much as yours. That's why I gave you that task."

    Percy nodded. "When I was in Greece, I thought of you all the time."

    Annabeth raised one eyebrow and laughed. "All the time?"

     Percy's cheeks redeemed. "You're not making this easy!"

     "I'm never going to, Seaweed Brain," Annabeth said.

    Before they knew it, they were kissing again. This time, it was gentler — more like a reminder of love than a bold declaration. When it ended, they both gazed into each other's eyes and imagined a future together.

       "I think I could get used to that," Percy said, his grin crooked.

     "You think?" Annabeth asked in mock indignation. "What else should I have expected from a wise philosopher such as yourself?"

Percy cleared his thrust and shifted. "When I was in Greece, I thought of you and how I wished we could have a future together. . . Like one day we'd take our kids there to show them the sea and watch them splash in the waves."

Annabeth dropped her gaze and Percy cursed himself. Usually Annabeth was the one to weave the plans and he helped execute them. To his surprise, he saw her smiling slightly when he looked up and she reached out to squeeze his hand. "I'd like that."

         Percy smiled and it was like medicine for Annabeth's eyes. "I am so grateful to be empress again, but I know that I — I couldn't have done it without you."

     The admission was hard. Annabeth has grown up to be fairly independent. She had to be able to do things on her own; saying out loud that she couldn't do everything alone made her feel weak and pathetic.

"Do you think I could have helped you alone?" Percy replied. "Because I know I couldn't. Sadie and Carter helped us escape the city. Piper and Jason helped fake your death. Grover and Juniper kindly took us in. Hazel and Frank welcome us. My mother was a huge help. Gleeson, Connor, and Travis risked their lives to prove their loyalty to you. Ethan offered us sanctuary. Rachel's eulogy started a revolution."

Annabeth met his gaze. "It seems like I have many people to thank," she said, "so will you help me, Seaweed Brain? Will you help me rule an empire? Will you help me judge cases and grant clemency? Will you be there with me through the highs and the lows?"

Percy cupped her face with his hands. "Yes, I swear on the River Styx."

It was a promise he kept for fifty-four years.

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