Protector of Maidens

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    Word of Annabeth's promise to Silena spread and two days later, she found herself helping Silena choose a groom. There were five men remaining and if all went well, Ethan would conduct the ceremony for the couple. Annabeth sat on a wooden stool and Silena stood by her side. The maiden looked quite pretty with her crimson cheeks and large brown eyes.

"Alright," Annabeth said. "I want each of you to step forward and explain why you wish to marry Silena and how you would make a good husband."

The first man stepped forward. He was slight with curly hair and mischievous features. "The name is Leo Valdez," he said. "Not only am I a hit with the ladies, but I run my own workshop and I have an adorable dog named Festus. I'm a jack of all trade: I have built a ship, engineered great projects, and invented a musical instrument called the Valdezinator. Best of all, I can do this."

He did an awkward dance that left Silena laughing. "Okay, joker boy," Annabeth said, "you've presented your claim. Next."

The next guy who came forward. He had green eyes and brown hair. "My name is Bryce Lawrence," he said. "I'm the son of a Roman centurion and I hold a local office. I will give Silena the proper treatment a woman deserves."

     The way he said it and his smile unnerved Annabeth. The next man stepped forward. He was ferret-like in stature and features, but didn't't look unkind. "My name is Michael Yew. I am a greater archer, a good singer, and I will give Silena a comfortable life in my large villa."

The next man to introduce himself was wearing a finely woven garment and leather sandals. "My name is Michael Varus. My last wife was unable to bear me kids and I am sure Silena will do better. I would give her a comfortable, easy life provided that she best and raise my children."

The last man came forward. He had handsome features and dark skin. He had tall and broad-shouldered and had stayed silent while the others put forth their claims. Now, he spoke in a soft voice. "My name is Beckendorf and though I cannot give Silena a fortune, I can give her something else. Silena, we've have known each other since we were kids and I understand if you don't have to feel the same, but I wanted to say that love you."

     Silena's eyes looked bigger than ever and she rushed forward. "Charlie!" she cried, stopping in front of him. "I never knew you liked me and  Paris. . . He was so charming."

     Beckendorf closed the space between them and hugged her tightly. "If you want, we can say the child is mine."

    Silena's eyes were shining as she looked at him. She nodded and Annabeth stood up. "So it has been decided. Silena will marry Beckendorf."

    There was some grumbling and Annabeth heard Leo saying something about "all the ladies not loving Leo", but the others left. Later that day, Beckendorf and Silena were wedded and from then on, Annabeth was known as the "protector of maidens."

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