Angel on Earth

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    The two men were kneeling and Annabeth looked at them with wide eyes for a moment before regaining her composure. She must use any opportunity she had to advance her cause. "I escaped by the grace of God," Annabeth said, "and hid in the countryside as a farmer."

The two men's eyes widened as she continued. "The Dowager Empress sent her men to kill my husband, son, and I."

The two men exchanged glances. "We were told that pagans killed you."

Annabeth's eyes grew stormy, but she kept her composure and the two men felt an awe. They were men used to the fiery anger of superiors turning to violence. "The Lord protected me so that I may avenge my husband and son," Annabeth said. "My son, the rightful heir to the throne, was murdered on Helen's orders."

       "Is Helen a supporter of icons?" one of the men asked.

Annabeth squatted until she was eye-to-eye with the men. Maybe empresses didn't normally do that, but she saw this as an opportunity to connect one-on-one with these men. "Helen uses religion as a way to divide," Annabeth said. "She is trying to sow the seeds of distrust among the people of God."

      The sunlight shining through one of the windows fell onto her head, turning her tresses to ringlets of gold. "You look like Madonna," one of them whispered.

     "And you were trying to raise and protect your child like she was," the other said. "Empress, I shall tell my family and neighbors of you."

     The two men finally stood up and left, talking of their experience. Their earlier argument was eclipsed by this new revelation. Annabeth watched them go and then turned to search for her friends.

     The friends were clearing now, but every once in a while, she would be recognized. A man asked her for marital advice. A woman begged her to pray for her womb to open. A child asked to touch her hair and a smile lit up his face when she assented. By the time she found the others, her mood was lifted. Mass had warned her soul, but the community here made her heart soar.

"I've never been here before," Percy said. "It's beautiful."

"And I thought you didn't appreciate architecture," Annabeth said.

Piper laughed. "I wish the carpet had not muffled your ears. Percy was practically drooling when he saw the Hagia Sophia."

Annabeth smirked. "I can believe that. He drools in his sleep."

Percy's face turned as red as ochre. Annabeth had noticed how he slept? "Well," he said, trying to think of something. "You — you are a scholar!"

He wished he could disappear into the ocean. That was the worst comeback ever! Annabeth must have agreed because she smirked and replied, "Is that supposed to be an insult, Seaweed Brain? It is true, I have written a few books and several treatises. It is her education more than anything that makes an empress."

       Percy smiled, feeling foolish and proud of her at once. "Then, I say this as a compliment: you are a gifted scholar."

     Annabeth's smile was worth all the previous embarrassment.

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