The Help

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    Ethan's eye widened in shock, but he kept his composure. "Empress," he said. "We were told you were dead."

      "My death was faked so that the Dowager Empress would not hunt me down," Annabeth said.

     "Well," Ethan said. "This is a lot to take in, but I can offer you sanctuary — as long as you remain in the Church. Once you step off our grounds, the Emperor could do whatever he likes with you."

    "So we're stuck in a Church?" Percy asked.

     Annabeth rolled her eyes. "We're being offered sanctuary."

    "But once Helen finds out, she'll probably send people to guard the outside," Percy pointed out.

    Ethan raised his hands. "I cannot offer any more. This is the hounds of my power."

      "I still think we should have gathered an army," Percy said. 

     Annabeth put her hands on her hips. "And how would we do that? An army requires money."

      "Justa Grata Honoria tried to seize power from her brother by wooing Atilla the Hun," Jason said. "She promised him the western half of the Roman Empire."

      "I think I'll skip the wooing a Hun route," Annabeth said.

Jason raised his hands in the air. "It was just a bit of history."

"Well, you four can keep discussing history and politics," Ethan said, "but I need to lead Mass."


In the end, all four of them participated in Mass. Annabeth had been to the Hagoa Sophia before, but never without a retinue of armed guards. She had gotten used to being without them in Greece, but now that they were back in Constantinople, it felt jarring again.

She tried to focus on the services. The thick, heady smell of incense wreathed through the air. The Church was packed with people at this time who were all praying for something different. Annabeth prayed for the souls of her dead husband and son, as well as her own future. Percy prayed for strength and courage in the face of adversary. He also prayed for Annabeth who he had grown fond of during their journey together.

Jason prayed for his friend Nico, the son of a gravedigger who he had met in Constantinople. Nico had given them the rug and papers to use to smuggle Annabeth into Ethan's protection. Nico always seemed lonely and Jason prayed that the man would find love. Piper prayed for freedom. She had been a slave all of her life. When Chiron was freed, she had hoped she might be next.

Mass ended and a thousand different worshippers raised their heads. The smooth Latin used for prayer broke into the everyday Greek. People mingled and spoke, sharing gossip, news, and hope. Annabeth felt amazed by it all. Seeing how prayer could bring people together warmed her heart.

Yet there was an outburst nearby that broke this sense of community. Annabeth turned to her left to see two men arguing. "The Ten Commandments tell us we should not worship any God except our own," one man was saying.

"Iconography isn't the worship of other gods," the other man argued, "but merely venerating the Lord through the good deeds of saints. Besides, the Old Testament isn't really necessary now that we have the New Testament."

"Is that so?" The other man asked. "Then why do we read of the binding of Isaac or the flood that swept the earth?"

Words turned into fists and Annabeth stepped forward. She raised her hands and stepped between the two men. A fist connected with her jaw and she winced. The man's eyes widened in shock. "My apologies, lady. I did not — wait, are you the dead empress?"

Both men looked at her with wide eyes. "You must be," the second man said. "You have the same hair and face I have seen in mosaics. . ."

He trailed off and both men kneeled, looking up at Annabeth as if she was an angel sent to earth

Author's Note: I'm sorry if I bungled some things up. I don't know much about Christianity and I really hope that I didn't offend or hurt anyone's feelings. If I need to change anything, please tell me and I will do so.

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