Hidden feelings

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~ trigger warning ~

"Stop it, Kylo!", I cried as I desperately tried to shove his hands out of my pants.

"You'll like it, trust me", he replied huskily as his grip on me tightened.

"Stop!", I wriggled around in the dirt to no avail, "Please!"

But he wouldn't stop. No matter how many times I pleaded with him. My head was spinning and I was getting so tired of resisting. I thought to myself, maybe I should just let this happen.

The next moment, however, I felt the weight of his body being lifted off of me. It took me a minute to come to my senses and figure out what was happening as I slowly sat up.

"The fuck-", Kylo lay in the dirt not too far away from me with some guy on top of him, swinging at him aggressively.

It was Jimin.

Jimin was punching the shit out of Kylo.

"WHO THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?!", he yelled in rage as the boy underneath him tried to deflect his hits, "WHO THE FUCK THINKS IT'S OKAY TO RAPE A GIRL?!"

It was quite scary to be honest. I had never seen Jimin in such a state of pure anger before. And he didn't look like he was going to slow down any time soon.

"J-Jimin", my broken voice was able to croak.

His head spun around and his eyes turned soft when they met mine. He stopped paying attention to the figure beneath him that was sputtering some blood from all the punches he took. The chesnut-haired boy's fists lowered themselves and he quickly got up to rush over towards me.

"Are you okay?", he asked softly as his hand hesitated right in front of my cheek.

It was then that I noticed I was crying. Hot tears were streaming down my face all while Jimin crouched in front of me in concern.

There was a slight dragging noise and both of us turned to see Kylo getting to his feet and quickly limping away.

Jimin shot up to his feet and that enraged expression overcame him once more as he yelled after the aggressor, "DON'T EVER FUCKING TOUCH HER AGAIN, YOU HEAR ME?!"

But as soon as he was out of sight, Jimin became caring again and took off his oversized jacket to drape over me. I noticed my pants were still unzipped and how my bra was undone and quickly tried to fix it while I sobbed to myself.

"Char, I'm so so sorry", Jimin seemed just as helpless as I was, "When you left the game, I went to follow you shortly after, but I couldn't find you... Until I heard screaming. I should've followed you sooner, I'm so sorry... I..."

"It's not your fault, Jimin", I sniffled and wiped my teary eyes, "I-I shouldn't have run off like that, it was stupid..."

"No! No!", he gently rested his hands on my shoulders, but his eyes were determined as they gazed into mine, "Please, don't ever, ever blame yourself for stuff like this."

Once I nodded slowly, he relaxed again.

"You probably want to get to bed, right?", Jimin then sighed as he helped me to my feet.

"Yeah", I spoke quietly.

Making our way to my tent, I grew increasingly apprehensive. Evie was god knows where and probably wouldn't get back to the tent until early morning, if at all. Those other two girls were also nowhere in sight. The idea of sleeping in a tent alone right now made me sick all over again.

"Jimin...", I wavered as we stood in front of the tent, "Evie's not here and... No one's here and..."

"You don't want to be alone?", he immediately got the gist and I nodded, clutching his jacket closer around me. "I can stay."

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