Harley Quinn and The Joker are related.

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Quinn's (POV)


   I wake up, my hair in so messy I look like an animated character and I have dry drool on my face. I wipe of the drool and put on my glasses, I head down the hallway where my mom and dad sat on the couch eating cereal together, I hear ruckus coming from the kitchen and look to see what's going on. My brother Jack (yea my parents really love DC so much they name there kids after Harley Quinn and the joker) is looking through the fridge with his whole body in there "aha!" He says and hits his head on the fridge.

  Jack is older by 10 seconds but I'm pretty sure I'm more mature, he notices me and waves then points at the leftover pizza he found, gross. I head over and grab it from him "I'll make you an egg sandwich dweebus this pizza is 5 days old." I throw it in the trash and get out the eggs.


Jack is running around trying to get ready for school in 20 minutes which is what I should be doing, I shove my egg sandwich into my mouth and head to my room, I put on a Spiderman shirt that I wore the other day, and yes I did wash it, I put on some black skinny jeans that have rips on the knee from me skating.

   I tie my hair in a low ponytail that looks like I've had hit all day and it gave out. I'm tying my shoes when Jack comes bursting in and grabs me by the shirt "c'mon c'mon man were gonna be late and if that happens we get kicked off the club!" He picks up my backpack and throws it at me. I look at the restroom, ' i haven't brushed my teeth' I grab my toothbrush and toothpaste then head out the door.

  I'll just brush my teeth at school so that I won't have dragons breath all day, were running out the door as mom and dad say bye and we head to school, school is only a block down so we walk.


   When we get to school I see that we have 5 more minutes till class so we head over to our friend group, they usually hang out in the cafeteria because there's food there. We enter the cafeteria and I see the group there's....

Mia, who has short pink hair with blue eyes and freckles,she is such a looker that I sometimes stare by accident.

Joseph (Joey), he's tall with black hair and lanky fingers,he's really smart and has no sense of fashion.

Johnathan (Jonny) is this big dude not fat big he looks like he belongs on the football team but he prefers math and robots. He has an army cut and green eyes, I'm pretty sure he lifts weights.

   That's all but it's cool how different we all are well except Jack and i, were almost the same except that he has a dick and I don't, we even both like girls yea I'm lesbo, a dike, fag whatever people call me I don't really care. But that just makes me and Jack more close,the only thing we don't like the same is that he likes DC while I'm a Marvel fan.

   Everyone agrees that Marvel is better but Jack won't give in, most of my clothes are comic book characters or movies that I like the book of.

  We take a seat with the group, I sit next to Mia who smiles at me with her braces blinding me, honestly the braces still make her cute. I catch myself staring and look away only to be facing Jack who has a smirk and wiggles his eyebrows at me. I push him off the seat and he hits the floor the table starts to laugh.

Yea that's for sure my brother was made to be named after the Joker, well except he's not a villain hopefully.


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