night night Bitch

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Quinn's POV


  I head down stairs to get some water for the princess and see that my brother has a dick drawing on his face with some other words on him. I laugh and head to the kitchen, there I see Mia talking to some girls "oh hey Mia didn't think you would come." She shines her brace smile "yep Charlie talked me into it she says I need to socialize more so are you having fun?" Her smile is so pretty and her eyes glimmer in the light.

   "Oh yep me having fun I am!" I smile and gulp oh god I suck "so you look pretty tonight um you interested in a drink?" Her friends whisper to each other and giggle "hey Mia we need to use the bathroom so hang out with Quinn." They skip away giggling, damn thx girls. "So let's get that drink!" Says Mia pointing at me with a finger gun, wow she's beautiful.

    We get a cup of punch and talk about whatever "so do you have a girlfriend yet or are you going for school ho?" She sips her drink "hahha no and idk guess I'm waiting for the right girl to notice i like her." I smirk and put my face near hers she moves in for a kiss but I ruin it "BLYTH!! Oh god I got to go!"

   I put down my drink and grab a water bottle, then run up the stairs. I open the door "hey Blyth sorry I was-" I look and see Zeke on top of a crying Blyth, all the anger builds up in me. I push him off her and punch him in the face "don't you touch her, DON'T YOU EVER TOUCH HER!!" I punch him over and over again until I'm tired.

   I stand up and clean up B then put her on my back, tears are running down my face, how could i let this happen I'm horrible. I see Jack still passed out "hey Josh help me please pick up jack and take him to the car." He sees my face and nods, he lifts up Jack over his shoulder and follows me to the car.

    I lay B down in the back, and wipe my tears away Josh puts jack in the front. I get behind the wheel and roll down my window "where is B's house?" I ask, he points forward "go down 5 blocks and turn right she's the corner house." I nod and drive off.

   When we arrive at her house I unbuckle and go to ring the doorbell, Blythe's mom opes the door "ugh it's you look my daughter isn't home and even if she was i wouldn't let her talk to you." She starts closing the door but I stop it "Blyth! She.. she got drunk and i- she- a boy-".

  B's mom grabs me by my shirt "what my daughter does stays out of the public and if you so much as tell people she was drunk I will ruin you." She drops me into the floor with a loud thud, "now bring her inside I'll-"

  I cut her off with a slap to the face "You Bitch! I come freekin out about your daughter and all you care about is what people think! What about what your daughter needs she needs a mom not a fukin life coach so GET YOUR SHIT TOGETHER!!" I take a couple breaths then walk back to the car.

   Guess I'll take her to my house and let her sleep off the beer guess she's lucky it's the weekend, I drive home and shake Jack "yo wake up shit head." His eyes slowly open "huh yea I'll give hazel her treat's." He goes back to snoring.

    When we arrive home I put B on my back and wake up Jack he gets out of the car and wobbles into the house.
My parents are asleep and the lights are off, jack goes to his room and I take B to mine. I lay her on my bed and put a blanket on her "goodnight B."

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