Bunny Eared Saviour

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Black Rabbit kicked another thug in the face, knocking him out cold with a sickening crunch coming from his nose, leaving his face a bloody, mangled mess.

He clapped his hands in accomplishment, taking out a zip tie from his utility belt to tie him up, then dragging him to where a board of knocked out people laid.

After tying them all to each other to make sure they couldn't escape, he took out his burner phone, he typed in a number, the dial tone ringing as he held it up to his ear.

The phone was picked up with a click.

"Hello? Tsukauchi Naomasa speaking." A grin crawled up his lips as he chuckled out loud.

"Hello, Nao-chan! How's my favourite detective?" At the groan that came through the other end, he let out another laugh. "Aw, you're breaking my heart! I thought we had a thing going on here!"

A sigh made its way to his ears.

"What do you want, Rabbit?" Black Rabbit giggled, which sounded quite creepy as his voice modifier was set to the voice of a 30-year-old male, not that he cared.

"I have a group of troublemakers at XX district, XX street. They're all out cold and tied up. Come get them." And with that, he ended the call as abruptly as always, not giving the man a chance to respond.

He yawned as he stretched, checking his phone for the time, which turned out to be just past 2 a.m.

It was time to end his patrol. He had school tomorrow after all.

With that in mind, he turned away, ready to climb up to the roof, only to come face to face with a boy his age.

Said boy looked quite beat up, with bruises and cuts painted across his body, looking painful.

The boy realized that he had been noticed and tensed where he was leaning against the wall, trying to stand up.

Black Rabbit sighed, walking over to him, and ignoring the flinch of his body at the closing distance, crouched down, took out a first aid kit and began treating his wounds.

The other boy, now close enough for him to notice his gravity-defying curly hair, stared at him in surprise as he gently dabbed some ointment on his bruises, disinfected his cuts, then wrapped his limbs with bandages.

Once it was done, he got up, brushed himself off, and turned to leave, only to turn back and ruffle the boy's hair.

"Don't worry, they won't be able to hurt you anymore." And with that, as if a dam had been opened, the boy started crying.

Black Rabbit didn't know what to do so he awkwardly patted his back for reassurance.

After a while, the boy was finally able to speak through his sobs.

"T-thank you for s-saving me!" He cried out, latching onto his arm as he did so.

Black Rabbit blinked in surprise, then it turned into a warm smile as he patted his back once more.

"No problem, kid." And as the boy finally raised his head, his eyes got stuck on his head for a reason.

"Bunny ears?" He whispered to himself, which the vigilante heard and snorted at, causing the boy to blush. "I-I'm sorry I didn't mean to-"

Black Rabbit cut him if with a chuckle.

"It's alright. It's to go along with the theme of my name, though they have other purposes as well." He then ruffled the gravity-defying hair again. "Now, I have to go if I don't want to get caught. Stay safe, kid."

As he walked away, he heard a shout from behind him.

"W-wait!" He stopped, turning around, making eye contact with the shining eyes of the boy, looking up at him in awe. "What's your name?"

The vigilante grinned.

"You can call me Black Rabbit."

The Secret Life Of A Not-So-Useless Deku // A Vigilante Deku AUWhere stories live. Discover now