Third Roommate - A Filler Chapter

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Izuku yawned as he draped over Hitoshi's legs on the couch, his feet hitting Katsuki's face, causing him to scrunch his nose up and swat them away in annoyance, already used to his antics.

It had been a few weeks since Hitoshi had moved in, and it had already become incomprehensible for him not to be there.

Katsuki had groaned the moment he had seen the boy, but hadn't protested. He already knew Izuku was too kind for his own good, and had been awaiting for the day this would have happened anyway.

Just like what happened with Katsuki, Izuku had blackmailed Hitoshi's birth parents (because they were nothing more than two people who had birthed him) to let him move out, accomplishing his goal easily while terrifying the pair to such a degree that as he walked out happily, they trembled in fear behind him, their legs giving out as soon as the door slammed with him walking out the house.

And from then on, their third roommate had moved in.

They all got along surprisingly, given the differences in their personalities. Katsuki was a loud and brash person who hid his true intelligence, Hitoshi was a lazy insomniac with a warm heart under his indifferent mask, and Izuku was a master of disguise who switched personalities like he had DID, and under all the dirty work he did, a kind heart resided.

It was a miracle they got along, really. All they had in common was that they wanted to save people.


Hitoshi had learned about his Quirk a week back, and hadn't been surprised, much to the shock of the other two. He had said that he had a knack for identifying deceit, which was understands, given all the bullying he'd been through.

After that, he had also told him about his slightly illegal activities, which he had taken surprisingly well, too. He had told them that he could believe it with the amount of blackmail he'd found on his ex-parents.

All in all, no secrets were left between them, and Izuku had started training him, along with Katsuki who he had been helping for years, in martial arts and Quirkless combat, and helping them define their style to fit their Quirks while giving them excersises to also increase their Quirk capacity and power.

Katsuki now was able to also use his feet to blast out explosions, focusing on his mobility in air, and Hitoshi was learning how to use a bo staff and how to piss people off. It fit his sarcastic nature spectacularly.

He also withdrew from Andrea Junior High he had only been attending for a couple of months , seeing it as a waste of time given his multiple PhD's, instead using the time to widen his information network.

Hitoshi and Katsuki both attempted their schools, they were smart enough to graduate easily, but Izuku had wanted them to conduct several social experiments to help them in their future.

Katsuki was to become a bully with a Quirkist look on life, while Hitoshi was to be the quiet boy who never retaliated, although Izuku had made sure if they got physical, he could send them to the hospital for all he liked.

The reason Izuku did this was for them to see the different outlooks people had towards life, and to understand the people with the personalities they had taken on.

Although it was also for his own amusement seeing as they both came home exhausted and thoroughly annoyed everyday.

Oh well, life was good, and that was all Izuku cared for right now.

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