Izuku's Part Time Job - A Filler Chapter

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Izuku had just started on his first shift in his new part-time job. Although he didn't have any urgent need for money, it was satisfying to work, well, for him at least.

He now worked at a place called Nyaomi's, a small cat café belonging to a woman called Naomi, with a cat hybrid Quirk. (And yes, she did call herself Nyaomi.)

With his new waiter uniform on, which suspiciously looked like a host's suit, his first time serving began.


Naomi was happy. Very very happy. She was currently giving herself a well deserved pat in the back (with her tail of course) while grinning widely to herself.

Hiring the green haired male had practically been the best decision of her life. While the boy himself didn't seem aware (or he was acting ignorant), she was very aware of the starstruck looks he was getting.

The boy might be a bit shorter than average for his age, but he was gorgeous. His face looked flawless, and his suit hugged his lean body tightly, leaving little to imagination.

But what was most attractive about him was the way he moved. Any movement he made, whether it be walking, talking, or preparing drinks, felt extremely seductive, and his natural charisma led all eyes to him, and him alone.

All in all, Naomi was sure that their customer count would at least triple by the end of the week.

Naomi chuckled once again, watching the boy smile at a customer while serving their coffee, the man's eyes practically morphing to the shape of a heart. Her grin widened, uncaring of the looks she was getting at the hungry look on her face.

Oh yes, this was definitely the best decision she'd made in her life.

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