Discipline and Abuse

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I have just realised that yesterday, there was quite the heated discussion about 'abuse' in chapter 'Mister Muscle Is A Skeleton'.

I must say that I have never been hit by my parents, but there was one instance when my dad let anger get the better of him and pulled my ear, harshly.

I still remember that moment, and since then, I have felt fear every time I'm near him.

I feel extremely uncomfortable when he's near me, like I have to bolt away from him as soon as possible, and staying in the same room alone with him is only possible for a short amount of time.

This is called trauma.

Even the smallest of things can cause trauma.

Since young, whenever I've made mistakes, I've been shouted at, so I became a person who likes to be alone and in quiet, closed places like my room.

I know firsthand what trauma is, and if there are any parents here, I advise you to never use force on your children. Ever.

Instead of shouting or hitting, explain what they did wrong, and why it was wrong. If that doesn't work, give simple punishments like making your child do more chores for an amount of time, or taking away their phones.

The latter might upset them a lot, but it is actually a very good thing.

I admit that phones are addictive, and I came to realise this when my sister broke my phone, and I couldn't use it for a month or so.

I practically experienced withdrawal symptoms!

Anyway, I've rambled enough.

I hope nobody who reads this has been abused, or is abusing their children, even if it's a slap on the cheek.

Corporal punishment doesn't make one disciplined, just leaves them traumatised.

Always remember this.

Also, I'll try to update soon, don't worry ^_^

Signing off,

Blondie | shutiitt_real

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