The Sports Festival Begins

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The day of the Sports Festival, Izuku walked to UA with Katsuki and Hitoshi. When asked why, he took out his ticket, and at their brightened faces, chuckled.

"Of course I'll come watch it, you're in it after all!" he said, then grabbed the two's cheeks. "So you both better do good, alright?"

Both of them swatted his hands away at the same time, making him snort in amusement.

It sometimes amazed him how similar the two were, it was like they were twins or something.

As soon as they arrived to the gates, they saw the crowd. It was natural though, as this was one of the only two days civilians were allowed into the UA campus, the other being the Entrance Exams.

Izuku followed the two to their classroom sneakily after bidding them goodbye and acting like he was heading towards the stands.

As soon as they opened the door, the class locked eyes with the boy, whose eyes had a mischievous shine as he winked, then pounced on the two.

Both boys jumped, twisting around to attack, but when their fists headed forward, they were met with the awaiting palms of a grinning Izuku.

They immediately dropped their arms in panic.

"Izuku!" cried out Hitoshi. "Didn't you say you were heading to the stands?"

Izuku tilted his head to the side, acting innocent.

"Did I now?"

Katsuki twitched, then jumped on him, making him laugh and dodge as the explosive blond chased him around the room, much to the amusement of the class.

After a while, the door opened to reveal Aizawa, and he blinked at the green haired boy.

"Midoriya. What are you doing here?" he asked, annoyed.

Izuku got off the ground where he had been wrestled to by Katsuki, and sheepishly rubbed the back of his head.

Internally, he groaned. They weren't supposed to know each other! Aizawa also seemed to realize this, but didn't react other than the sudden spark in his eye.

"Sorry sir! Just dropping off Kacchan and Hicchan, and wishing the others good luck!"

The class looked between them in confusion.

"You two know each other?" asked Sero, and Izuku nodded enthusiastically.

"Yup! He's come to the café I work at a few times, so we're acquainted!"

Aizawa sent him a look, but it was the truth anyway, so it didn't matter.

The man sighed and nodded, but didn't verbally reply.

Instead he cleared his throat and turned to the class, giving them a motivational speech that Izuku gagged at behind his back, making some stifle their laughter at the funny faces he made.

After the speech, both walked out, Izuku sending one more enthusiastic wave before closing the door behind them, and his whole demeanour changing immediately.

His back straightened, his eyes became cold, and his footsteps went from sloppy to elegant and rythmical.

He waived a hand through his hair, throwing it back and away from his eyes, and grabbed a clip, fixing it in place.

Aizawa stared at him for the few seconds the change took place in, analysing.

"You're an adequate actor." he said, making Izuku scoff dryly.

"I'll assume that means I'm quite good at it." he said.

They were silent before they reached the broadcasting room, and Aizawa opened the door, the two walking inside.

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