Chapter 4

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    I wake up in the morning in Mason's cabin.  He had it built after his attack so it's all accessible, and has wood floors.  Not being an especially large cabin it's one floor, and has two bedrooms each with their own bathroom.  I make my way to the kitchen which is combined with the living room and dining room.  There's a woman sitting at the table height bar wearing one of Mason's shirts and no pants.  Her hair is messy and she smells of sex.
"Get me a cup of coffee," she demands when she sees me.
"Get your own," I tell her.  I don't know where anything is, and even if I did I tend to respond to bad attitudes with my own bad attitude.
"Do you know who I am?"  Uh oh, she do-you-know-who-am-ed me.  She must think she's important while at the same time be insecure in that importance.  A truly secure person doesn't need to say or think stuff like that.
"A half naked girl in my kitchen who doesn't know how her arms work." I respond to her snark.
"It's not your kitchen," Mason says, rolling into the room.
"I am a permanent resident therefore it is also my kitchen." I respond.
"Mark!" She demands.
"His name is Mason," I point out.
"Just get dressed and leave, Cynthia," Mason tells her.
"My name is Carmen!" She demands before stomping back to his room. I can hear her slamming doors, and cupboards.  I hear the shower go on.
"Charming," I say, "I think so well of you already."
"I don't need you to think well of me.  I just need you to go.  As you can see I get along fine without a mate."
"Too bad.  I can't.  I'm here because of a legal treaty.  Your stuck with me."
"Do you not care that I don't want you?"
I stand in silence at that.  I'm sure later I'll care.  Later my heart will break at his callousness.  Currently I just feel my bad attitude still sparking.
"I don't need you to want me," I say.
    "Then why are you here!?"
I want a family.  I dream of children and a loving mate.  I say to myself, but I can feel that dream fading a bit.
"Are you a robot? A normal woman would care."
"Yes I am as unfeeling as a stone!" I say angrily.  I let my anger die down and decide to ignore him.  Well,I try to ignore him.  I can feel his silence, his stare.  I'm not reacting how he thinks I should.  He wants me to cry and run away. 
I walk to the sink, and get a glass.  There are no upper cabinets, just a few decorative shelves.  The lower shelf has glasses, plates, and bowls displayed.  The water coming from his tap is fresh and clean tasting.  No bleach flavor like the water back at my old bunk house.  I can feel him behind me staring at the back of my head.  It unnerves me so I leave the glass in the sink and go back in my room to have a shower and get dressed in some of Luna Victoria's borrowed clothes.
I don't see the woman leave.
I don't start crying until the water has warmed up, and I'm standing beneath it.

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