Chapter Twenty Four

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"So they're just going to release him?" I ask.
"They already have.  They're flying him back in style as an apology," Mason says.  He looks crushed, and I have a twinge of uneasiness at how upset he is.  I decide now is the time to break the news about the babies.  Maybe it will give everyone a boost.
"I'm pregnant," I blurt out.  Mason cringes.  Shoot, I should have done it creatively, or made it special.
"Who are you sleeping with!" He demands.
"You, only you."
"That's a lie."
"It's not.  Why are you acting like this?"
"Because I can't father a child!"
"What does that mean?"
"After the accident the doctors told me I would never father any children."
"But you've healed. You did father children!"
"Get out!"
I look to the Alpha and Luna for help, but they're just looking at each other.
"Get out!" He yells again.
"No, we need to talk about this."
"I only used you to heal my back.  You served your purpose.  Now, get out!"
"I have no where to go!"
"Go back to your parents, and your farm.  Go back to the man you've been cheating with.  No one wants you here.  I don't want you here!"
I jump up, and run from the room, not even bothering to shut the door behind me.  My tears fill my eyes, almost blinding me.  I don't notice Conner in the living room, but he sees me.  He jumps up and grabs my shoulders, stopping me.
"Chloe, Chloe!  What happened?"  He asks.
I have to gulp and few times, and take a few deep breaths before I can answer him. 
"Mason's throwing me out.  He thinks I cheated."
"What!  Of course you didn't cheat!  Do you have anywhere to go?"
"I'm going back to my parents."
"You can stay with me."
"No, that would hurt him too much.  He doesn't want to see me."
"Forget him!"
"I can't he's in so much pain.  You should have seen his face.  He really believes that I've cheated."
"At least let me take you back to your cabin to get your stuff.  You can call your parents to come and get you while I pack for you."
"Thank you Conner.  I won't forget this."
He takes my hand and leads me out of the house.  We take his car, and he drives me back to the cabin.  I cry the whole way.  When we get there I can't move.  He looks at me.
"You go in and start.  I'll make my call from out here," I say.
After hearing him shut the car door I pull out me phone, and choose my dad's number from my contacts list.

Mason's Point of View
    There's a rushing in my ears. I can't hear anything over my heart beat. Jessa cheated on me too. Maybe I'm not enough. Maybe there's something wrong with me. I follow her out of the room to talk to her with despair in my stomach, weighing me down. When I get to the living room all I see is Connor holding her hand as he leads her away. My own brother!

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